Below is my letter to the Governor of California, my farewell to that state. I have been asked what will happen to Christianity after I leave Earth? It is simple. It will wither and die. The churches will quickly lose their membership and people will turn to other faiths. Many will return to Judaism and many will turn to Islam. As The Children awaken many will take Their faith. Slowly other sects will take over the Christian temples, and people will wonder what Christianity was. That is the fate that will befall those that once followed me. They will sink into obscurity. Their way will be virtually forgotten.

Jesus Of Nazareth

An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor Of California
To Be Shared With The Media Of California And Washington, DC
October 12, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings!

At the end of this letter is a link to my official resignation. I have sealed The Kingdom Of God and on November 8th will leave Earth and abandon mankind forever. But I wish to take this opportunity to speak to you and tell you how deeply sorry I am that we were unable to get our beloved Demetrius, Speaker Gerald Polley, on the Presidential ballot, and have First Lady Laura Bush be his running mate so they would've won and Demetrius would've been able to ask you to be his secretary of defense. What incredible things you and Demetrius would've done together! You would've shook the world! You would've showed the world what an immigrant coming to The United States and living by the rules could accomplish. We would've made you the hero of every person seeking American citizenship, because we would've shown the world how high an immigrant could reach, and the good that he could do for the world. I cannot tell you of my profound sadness because we have failed in this mission. It will be one of the failures that will deeply haunt me./div>

The only one that is greater to me is that I have failed in my promise to Demetrius that in this lifetime he would be a builder, he would create great and wondrous things that would last for untold ages, and that he would not be a destroyer, that that would not be his only purpose, but he would bring peace to The Middle East. He would end the strife between our children and his dream would be fulfilled of all religions living in harmony with each other, and not fighting each other, instead putting all their energies into doing as much good for the people as possible. That mankind has turned from me and we cannot complete these purposes fills us with pain that is unimaginable to others.

But I must tell the world that the majority of the people in California have responded to us and given us such power that we are totally bewildered to why we cannot succeed. For over four years Los Angeles has been God's major power source in the world, starting with our precious Jimmy Kimmel, and continuing with our dear friends at KROQ. The flow of energy has never ceased and has made the whole Afterlife more powerful than it has ever been before, yet the people plunge headlong into oblivion and will not hear our call. But it can never be said that the people of California did not do their all, that they did not give it all they had to give. If we had succeeded it would've been their finest hour.

We are really short of time. There is so much we need to do. There is one place in California though, that I do have to send my condemnations too, and that is San Francisco that has become the exact opposite of Los Angeles. If there is a place that has destroyed our efforts, that has destroyed our children it is this accursed place and the people that lead it, and the sickness that they preach unto the world. We are completely at a loss to understand how a state that provides us with the power that is keeping us alive is also supplying those that are attacking us, and no matter what we do we cannot break them, we cannot crush their power, though we are vastly superior. The Darkness that fills them simply will not accept the Light, and the lie seems far more popular than the truth.

If you could for me on my behalf have a copy of my resignation delivered to the mayor of this city with the simple message on the back of it "This is what you have done" I would appreciate it. Also, if you would have a copy delivered to every Catholic Bishop in California and every Mormon temple with the same message it will be the last thing that I will ever ask of you. It would be the last service that you could provide me. But how I wish we could've done more! How I wish we could've changed the world and stopped the hate, lust and greed! If we could've put Demetrius' team together, if he could've got into The White House this world would've been a far different place. There are so many simple solutions to so many problems that people just ignore because they think "Oh, this is too small a thing, it doesn't matter!" They just don't realize that if you add all those little things together they become a great big thing, a wondrous thing, and oh how we long for such wondrous things!

The Former Steward Of The Kingdom Of God By The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever


The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious.
( Albert Einstein )

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