An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ
To The People Of Florida
Given Through Their Governor, Their Legislature, and The Media Of Their State

October 13, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings!

It is my sad duty to tell you that because I have been betrayed by mankind, because men prefer to have sex with other men and women prefer to have sex with women and have driven me from my Throne by the dark power that they control, I have tendered my resignation to God The Father, sealed The Kingdom Of God, and will depart from the Earth forever November 8th.

But I want to tell the people of Florida that you fought the good fight. Twice no, three times, you overcame the creatures of Darkness and gave The Kingdom Of God the victory It needed at a crucial time. When the history of these days is recorded it will be said that though Jesus failed Florida gave Him all that they could give when it needed to be given, and that the Forces of good did not go down without a fight.

But my final betrayal by First Lady Laura Bush who came into this world to serve God and to join in the battles against the evil that is destroying Our children was simply too much to bear. The promises that have been made have been broken because people will not offend their friends and relatives, because they would rather be loved by them than God. So they are sending them all to eternal death, destroying all of mankind to be popular.

I have been asked to tell each state what they could do to change my mind, to have me remain on Earth and restore salvation. What needs to be done cannot be done. Every woman in Florida needs to cry to First Lady Laura Bush and say "Do what God asks you to do! Do not abandon Him! Do not turn your back on Him! Be what He wants you to be. Hear Jesus' wishes. Save our children!" This is the only thing that could save Us, this would be the only hope that We would have. Time is running out. Here is a link to my resignation.

I will be sending a copy of this message to the governor and I ask him, here, to have my resignation printed in every newspaper in Florida, and to have it copied, have the message put on the back that says "This is what you have done," and have it delivered to every bishop of The Catholic Church in Florida, and, to the leaders of every Mormon church, the two denominations that have failed me the most, who betray God the most. My servants simply do not have the time to reach everyone. They have done their best. They have mailed hard copies of my resignation to nearly every embassy in Washington, DC, and an official copy has gone to The President. That We are still ignored shows there is no hope, that mankind does not want me. Therefore I will depart and take the gift that God has given mankind with me.

The Former Steward Of The Kingdom Of God,
By The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever


Somebody lashed out with something, I'm not sure what. It slashed my arm that was holding the protest sign. I never even got to react! The state trooper that was there whacked him in the side of the head, drove him to the ground and proceeded to handcuff him. The leader of the little group came out screaming foul. The boy was only protecting his heritage, that we had provoked him by our presence, and they had no right to arrest him.
"Well, if the young man presses charges," the state trooper answered, "I have no choice. I have to arrest him!" He looked at me and said "It's up to you, young fella!"
I, myself would've had the book thrown at him! But Marilyn looked at me and shook her head. "Naww!" I answered, "Let him go. He's not worth the effort of having to appear in court."
One of the local cops produced a first aid kit and proceded to bandage my arm, suggesting I get medical attention. I told him I would. We drove back home and on the way Marilyn made good her promise of making the little adventure worth my wile. I went on several more protests with them weekend mornings, and one major one, but for the life of me I can't remember where that major one was! It was the only place I ever got tear gassed, and that was purely by accident! I will admit, my protest days were not that major, but I think we made an impression! The little racist colony in Maine packed up and disappeared, went back south, which made everybody in the area quite happy! A little while later I moved to the major city, Bangor, got in trouble with the law, and was incarcerated for a while. So I lost track of Marilyn and her father. But years later they reappeared again, and I had one last protest with them. But that's another story!



Never hold discussions with the monkey when the organ grinder is in the room.
( Sir Winston Churchill )

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