An Open Letter From Jesus Of Nazareth Called The Christ
To President George W. Bush
Sent Through The Media Of Washington, DC, And, Los Angeles, CA
Who Are The Only Real Hope The World Has Left

October 7, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings!

As We have predicted McCain continues to fall in the polls. His chances of being elected dwindle every day. Obama's victory is almost assured. Because you would make no effort to stop this, is one of the chief reasons for my resignation and my departure November 8th. Demetrius has sent Muhammed's resignation, who has chosen to join me, because his people will no longer follow him either, to ten major Arab leaders, asking that they make his decision known to the world. They have also sent my resignation to twenty more world leaders asking their assistance in letting their people know what you have done to them. Here is a list of the countries that we have mailed Muhammed's resignation to.

Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Turkey, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Syria, Lybia, Egypt, Morocco.

Here is a list of the countries that we have mailed my resignation to.

Serbia, Romania, Moldova, Austria, The Slovak Republic, The Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Ireland, Bosnia/Herzegovina. Bulgaria, Latvia, Estonia, Russia, Finland, Belarus, Ukraine, Denmark, The Netherlands, Belgium, Spain, Portugal, Norway, Sweden, The United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Montenegro, Greece and Germany.

There is still an opportunity to make amends. If you will help us be heard, if you will help us get out our message there is a chance we can rally the people, get them not to vote so that when Obama wins I will at least reopen The Kingdom Of God before I depart, giving mankind a little bit better chance. I wish to have this ad published in major newspapers throughout the country.

Jesus Has Resigned! He is leaving Earth November 8th.
If you wish Him to stay email

If you can find sponsors to put this ad in every major city we might have a small chance. But Demetrius and Alura cannot even afford to put it in their local paper in Bismarck. They are having other troubles besides. Their secondary computer has become infested with adware that is jamming all their systems, and they can't clear it. They wish they had the money to sue every person in these pop ups and make them stop doing this. That anyone can call this legitimate advertising is beyond imagination. It is a violation of peoples' privacy, a violation of peoples' property. If you could send someone to help them get this computer operating again so they can use it it would be very helpful to us. But the struggle goes on. Even after I am gone, though there will be virtually no hope, those who love mankind will continue to fight. Do understand that it is my deepest desire that they succeed. But as no one will follow us any more, only a small handful of faithful friends support us, there is little chance. But those who believe will keep trying.

Nicole Brown Simpson wanted me to send her gracious thanks to the jury that finally convicted OJ and told the world what he is. She now feels her purpose is accomplsihed and she can be at peace. She will devote her energies to trying to get the people to keep me from leaving Earth. Her assistance will be warmly welcomed. But I would not have taken her away from her cause for any reason.

The Former Steward Of The Kingdom Of God,
Through The Authority Of
Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All,
Now, And, Forever

October 7, 2,008
Belarus Letter

Greetings President Alexander Lukashenko!

I find it strange that I am writing to you because you know, of course, that The Kingdom Of God is at odds with Russia because of its invasion of Georgia and the illegal annexation of its territories.

But the desperate need at this hour of reaching the Orthodox Christians in Russia and having them rally to my call and ask the government of The United States to support my wishes and keep me here on Earth is very much of importance. So I find myself making a request of you that you have my resignation translated into Russian and published in all Russian newspapers and covered by the Russian media. This might be a very good example to the world of the failure of capitolism, may well be beneficial to your cause. Because one of the main reasons I have been forsaken is the seeking of material wealth. This might well be an opportunity for the people of Russia to gain back some status with the world, if The Christians in Russia were to be the leading force in keeping me on Earth It would be one of the strangest twists of fate in history but it would not be impossible. It's all up to you, and the fellow leaders of your country. You can embarrass the hell out of the capitolists!

Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ

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