November 5, 2,008

Monday we had a fantastic interview with "The Jennifer And Danny Show" on WRMF, Central Florida, who haven't called since 2,006!

Tuesday Everyone in The Afterlife faced the inevitable as Barack Obama won the 2,008 Presidential Election. However, God was pleased with the results of some of the referendum questions on the ballots around the country, especially that California chose to stop the legalization of gay marriage.

Wednesday we had another fantastic interview with Kevin & Bean, KROQ in Los Angeles, California. We spoke about the election and how God doesn't recognize Presidential Elect Obama as President.

November 6, 2,008

An Open Letter From John The Son Of Zebedee
To Kevin At KROQ, Los Angeles, Californi

Most Profound Greetings To One Of God's Most Precious Sons!

I never, in my wildest dreams, in my most insane thoughts contemplated that I would be contacting one of God's greatest earthly servants as The Steward Of His Kingdoms! I cannot tell you how heavy this burden is upon me. Our beloved Demetrius has described to you Our depression but Our determination to follow the wishes of Our Lord And Savior even though He is departing from Us.

I have become The Patriach Of The Tribe Of Reuben, and head of The Council, and as The Leader Of The Islamic People joins our Council as a cousin and has requested to be put under my authority, I am declared The Steward Of The Kingdoms Of God. But I must tell you I cannot do this job alone. Those who were beloved Apostles with me have become The Patriachs of the other tribes of Israel. And without you that are in the material world to give me the power that was given to Our Blessed Lord, I will most undoubtedly fail. So I am as dependent upon you and Our Beloved Demetrius and all who stand with him as Our Savior was. I wish so very much I could come through Our Blessed Demetrius and speak on your most wondrous program, but We are extremely weary of using his power. His strength is just about gone. We worry about him constantly. He has fought so hard for Our Savior and nearly destroyed himself in the process. We must be very cautious in what ways We use him, for the need for him is still great. Though the anger of his people will be considerable for me saying it, if there is anyone worthy of leading The Kingdom Of God besides Our Savior, it is Our Beloved Demetrius. But that is something that We can never have, though all of Us who serve Jesus would follow him in an instant without the slightest hesitation. But instead We must borrow him and use him as long as we are in need of him, and then give him back to his own so he can perform his duties for them. This is the only bitternesss between Those I serve, and Those he serves. But these things must be reckoned with and We must work together as one.

Demetrius will not know what I have said here, he will probably process this article for his magazine without really looking at it, so it could be some time before he knows of what I have spoken. I will tell you of my great praise for you, of the love that all who serve me have for you. It is so strange to us that those in the world now that have so much power, that have done so much, laugh at their power and think it is a joke, that they are just playing and having fun, having no true conception of their greatness. But I will say truly to you, without your interviews, without Demetrius speaking on your program, the Earth would be dying right now. There is no question of that, there is no doubt of that, because you kept the flow of energy coming to Us from the people of Los Angeles, We have fought off the Darkness and kept mankind alive! No one, in future times, will ever question that. All of you at KROQ and those with Jimmy Kimmel gave Us the power. That We could not use it effectively is Our fault, not yours. All of you did your very best in the circumstances that you had! And I pray, sincerely, to God The Father, that you will continue to give that service to me.

I want to tell you something. I do not believe Christianity is dead. Though Heaven is sealed and The Lord is far away, I believe the power He put in Us is still here, and if We can awaken man, if We can cleanse the churches and make them righteous again, and get them to truly call upon The Savior, and follow His wishes, there can be three Kingdoms, The Kingdom Of Israel, The Kingdom Of Ishmael, and The Kingdom Of Christ. Many who served Christ are throwing themselves back into life, forcing themselves back into bodies, hoping to empower Christianity and bring it back out of the Darkness; every Pope, every Saint, every minister that did the will of God, rather they did a good job or not are taking physical form as fast as they can. They are hoping that Jesus' words will be true when he said "The little ones shall lead them." And God is reaching out to the children of the world, trying to get them to call their Parents back to them.

There are three issues that I wish you could speak to the people about on my behalf. Firstly, as Our Beloved Savior wanted, I wish to make my Earthly residence in Los Angeles. I wish to continue to use that flow of energy that has been so beneficial to Us. But as The Mormons rejected Our Savior I cannot go to them. So I would appreciate it if you would let The People Of Israel in your community know that I wish to make one of their synagogues the focal point of my power on Earth. I wish to dwell in it and use it to send my power throughout the world. If The People Of Israel were to accept me, Our Beloved Demetrius could bring me to Los Angeles and install me in their synagogue, anchor me to this Earthly place. If they would agree each sabbath, to pray to God that I

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