November 10, 2,008

To The Saddleback Church, Lake Forest, California


I'm Speaker Gerald Polley. Below is a letter I have sent to the leader of The Mormon Church on behalf of John The Son Of Zebedee who is now The Steward Of The Kingdoms Of God because of the tragedy of Jesus Of Nazareth abandoning mankind. He has asked me as God's representative to extend a similar invitation to you. God is well pleased with the efforts that you are making against the homosexual movement, and desires to help you do more. If you were in good will to contact The Mormons and encourage them to fulfill God's desires, so that the new Steward Of The Kingdoms Of God could establish his earthly residence in their temple you would be doing one of the greatest services for mankind that could ever be done. It is our goal to restore Christianity. You are helping in that goal. But if that help could be open, if you oculd recognize us and support us, our chances of success would increase greatly. I would very much like to hear from you. It would be safe for us to exchange a few emails without endangering anyone in your congregation and God would be joyous if you were to contact us and help us reach other Christian churches so that these dark times end as soon as possible.

Speaker Gerald Polley

An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
To The Media Of Salt Lake City, Utah

Below is a letter that I have sent by surface mail to the Mormon's main temple in your city.

Speaker Gerald Polley

An Open Letter From John The Son Of Zebedee
To The Current Prophet Of The Church Of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints

November 8, 2,008

Most Profound Greetings!

I must inform you that Our Beloved Savior, Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ, has ended His relationship with mankind, sealed The Kingdom Of God, and forbidden anyone ever to enter It again by claiming salvation. Salvation is ended. Two new Kingdoms have been formed under God's instructions, The Kingdom Of Israel and The Kingdom Of Ishmael. Those belonging to any of the churches that Christ used to recognize may enter into these Kingdoms by requesting to be adopted by one of Its Patriarchs if they have kept the laws of God. Those who have seriously broken the laws of God will be denied entry.
I have been ordered by my Savior at His departure to do all in my power to destroy all Christian denominations in the material world, to expose all their corruption until they wither and die. Where your church was one of those that directly refused to recognize God's messenger, you are among those that I must act against. There is a state of war between my Kingdom and your church.
However, I believe that if I can get the leaders of the Christian churches in the world to truly hear God and turn away from the blasphemies that they are teaching, and truly return to the worship of Christ and not the false doctrines of man, I could send a message to Our Savior and though He is now ruling over a far and distant people I believe He would still permit man to call upon His name for salvation, to request of God to still recognize His sacrifice on their behalf.
God is extremely pleased with the assistance that you gave Us getting the gay marriage ban passed in California. He believes there might be some hope of reaching you and getting you to accept the reforms that He wants in your church. I do not wish to discuss them here, but if we can establish a dialogue to bring them forth. You do not know what it would mean to all of Those in The Kingdoms Of God if we could form a reunion, and have your church be one of the first to return to Christ and call for the renewal of salvation.
There is, however, a serious problem. I am speaking to you through Our beloved Demetrius, God's only true voice left on Earth, who is called by man Speaker Gerald Polley. Our Beloved Savior was able to control his dark powers, the powers that God gave him to fight evil. His entire purpose is to hunt and destroy evil. Whenever he comes in contact with an evil person, no matter how good they pretend to be, Demetrius recognizes their evil and marks them for destruction. From that day forth their eternal existence is numbered. Sooner or later their physical form will pass and then they will be destroyed forever. This is unquestioned. Jesus, when He was working through Demetrius, could block this power. He could let him negotiate with people and many times bring them back to the Light without destroying them. Unfortunately I cannot do this, so a way has to be found to protect you, so when Demetrius is among you you will be shielded from his power, and there is only one way.
There is among you a messenger of God, an Angel who has taken human form. She is a thirteen year old girl. She was meant to be one of the first female leaders of your church. This is what God put her among you for. But now there is a dire need that she serve another purpose. She should be near you, in one of the families close to you. She

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