April 2, 2,008
We Could Do It Together



We put up Muhammed's 7th political cartoon Tuesday. Here's the link. You're sure to love it! It's about Bill & Hillary.



Gerald sent his 16th letter to First Lady Laura Bush.



April 3, 2,008
God To The First Lady- I Can Contact You Anywhere



God sent his 24th letter to First Lady Laura Bush Thursday.





Here's Muhammed's 8th political cartoon from The Afterlife! Another good one that really gets the point across in more ways than one!





April 4, 2,008
To The First Lady- What Power You Have!



Gerald sent his seventeenth letter to First Lady Laura Bush Friday. Here's the link.





We put up Jesus' fifth political cartoon Thursday,





We posted this message on two Jimmy Kimmel forums Friday. There is a miracle waiting to happen! God still wants to be on "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" using the body of Speaker Gerald Polley to bestow His power on the people of The United States that are fighting to save His children from sodomy. The conditions are absolutely perfect! Such power has never before been seen. For the first time in history God could speak on natioinal television. If the people of Los Angeles were to cry out and say "Jimmy, bring God to us! Bring God's power! Let Him bless us! Let Him bless the world!" then the way would be opened for this miracle to take place. The ony reason that this is not happening is that perversion controls the media. Those who would sodomize God's children do not want the people to know that God is against them. But the power is there, the glory is there. God is delighted with the response from His tribute to Jimmy Kimmel's 1,000th anniversary. Though only a few hundred people visited it it released an energy flow that enabled the servants of God to deal the creatures of Darkness in Los Angeles a tremendous blow! If the people so responded to such a little effort, how would they respond to a major visitation? These are dark times. But the power to bring The Light is there. If only the people would use it!


April 7, 2,008
To The First Lady- She's Not A Man



Friday we uploaded Jesus' sixth political cartoon. Here's the link.





Saturday we posted Muhammed' ninth cartoon.





We also sent Gerald's eighteenth letter to The First Lady on Saturday.





And most important of all we finished the April issue of "Voices" and got it on our site. Here's the link!





Lots of new stuff in there. Hope you will check it out!
Sunday we put up Jesus' 7th cartoon, one of our favorites "It Can't Be Broken!" Here's the link.





Sunday finally Jesus had some free time and came through Gerald Sunday and made a music video featuring a new song by Kurt Cobain, "Come On, Bin Laden!" We didn't dare mention Kurt's name in the video because of possible copyright problems. But we think everyone with like it! Here's the link!


( This video is no longer available. )



Monday we sent the first letter from Hagar, the mother of Ishmael to The First Lady. Here's the link!




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