more than coincidence, and there is more coming. Many are terrified by what God did to The Mormon Church, fearing more to come. When God says something will come to pass, it will come to pass! We are only the tip of the iceberg, we are only those that speak publicaly in this generation. We are only the tip of God'spower. God does not want to hurt a whole lot of people. If people are doing a good job and committing some minor offenses on the side God could care less. They'll settle those little problems in The Kingdom Of God. As long as the relationships between male and female are consentual God doesn't care. Only when threat and force become involved does God take notice.
But God can't be stopped! No matter how powerful the politicians think they are, no matter how protected the clergy who think they are protected are, God is more powerful. If God chooses to, He can bring them down! And when it comes to the point that they are doing more harm than they are doing good, God will bring them down! He has brought down kings, presidents, and popes when their evil became unacceptable. If you want an example of this in The United States, look at Richard Nixon, a president that went too far and thought he was invulnerable, but God had two reporters, two servants that put the truth above anything else, and Nixon was brought down. God will use who He will when He has a mission to fulfill. God cannot be stopped!
Barbara Walters is the third example of what We have been saying coming true. How much do people need? How much is God going to have to do before people will understand what we say is true? God only wants fairness. He only wants us to have an opportunity to take part in the system, to reach out to the people openly and fully with His truth, and if the people wish to destroy themselves, that's up to them. But God wishes that we be given an opportunity to explain what is going on, and He's getting more and more irritated that His wishes are not being fulfilled, and that is not good for the people that are doing little things wrong. It's not good for them at all!

May 7, 2,008
God To The First Lady- Stop The Suicides

Jesus sent his 6th letter to The First Lady Wednesday concerning Obama's succes in North Carolina, and several other important subjects including the true reason for many American Veterans' suicides! Here's the link.

In today's letter to The First Lady God mentioned that during His ministry Jesus was offered women, that their families wanted to have impregnated. They wanted to go back to their villages and be able to say that their daughter was bearing the child of The Messiah. Some of these women were very young. Remember, in those days it was considered as soon as a girl started to menstruate that she was ready for marriage. Jesus steadfastly refused all of these offers. Sometimes He would ask the women to be the companions of one of His disciples. He gave one to Judas, the man that betrayed Him, and she bore him a son who carried on his generations.
It was because that Jesus constantly refused these women and his marriage to Mary Magdalene had been kept a secret that many came to believe that He was a homosexual. And in the later days of His ministry boys were offered to him. Jesus condemned those that did this and told them they would suffer eternal death.
The problem with religious teachers being pestered by women that want to be their sexual partners is nothing new. It has gone on for untold ages, as The Apostles went out and began to teach almost everywhere they went, even though they took their wives with them, young women were offered to them because the people believed if they left a child among them their glory would stay with them. All of this was recorded in Scripture, but strangely it is missing from all modern copies! We are sure somewhere buried in the archives of The Vatican, are true copies of The Scriptures telling of these things, that The Apostles discouraged the practice. Though some of them, under great pressure, fulfilled the peoples' wishes.
There is nothing new in the world. There is no problem that any religious teacher faces today that his predecessors did not face. Once one's power is known, once The Glory shines in them, it attracts all manner of good and evil. And God does not blame His Teachers! It is only natural that the people respond to His power. God only blames those that use that response wrongly.

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