Jesus' Sixth Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter To First Lady Laura Bush
From Jesus Of Nazareth Called The Christ

May 7, 2,008

Greetings My Fellow Servant Of God!

The Kingdom Of God is very pleased with Obama's victory in North Carolina! They were able to turn enough votes to give him a substantial lead. Unfortunately, Hillary's dark power was still prevalant in Indiana. But The Kingdom Of God is pleased that They were able to lessen her victory and show the people her weakness. And this, without doubt, was by your power! The knowledge that God is asking you to serve is slowly spreading, and the people believe there is an alternative to Hillary. Women are looking to a new Light for guidance and not this creature of Darkness that would sodomize their children in her lust for power.

God is also pleased that we have exposed another false messiah. We cannot understand why the people surrender their children to these foul things, and that men would submit to them knowing fully and completely that this is against the way of God. But these foul creatures are able to deceive God's children and lead them into unspeakable acts. All men should know any man that would hurt a child for his pleasure is not of God, and any man that would tell another man "Give yourself to me for my pleasure because I am the messiah!" is not of God. The people should turn from such abominations immediately! It is one thing for adult women to desire a Bearer Of The Light, this is only natural. They seek to join their power with his and strengthen his glory. But when a foul creature turns to children and men people should know that it is not of The Light. "My blessed Son," God says, "turned away many women, and chose only His Mary Magdalene to join Him and increase His power. All should follow His example and know that only my perfect creation is acceptable."

God cannot understand why people so easily succumb to evil, why His perfection is so repulsive to them and they seek after abomination. But it is one of the greatest powers that the creatures of Darkness have, the peoples' desire to turn from God's way and do the unspeakable to fulfill their lust.

God has again used the wind and the rain to punish those who allow evil. His destruction of Myanmar, again shows the world how powerless those who rule by evil are. The people would not rise up against them and put them out so God sent the wind and the rain. It is a warning to all the world that this evil should be dealt with. Some will say "Oh it's just a coincidence!" but it is a very strange coincidence! And there seems to be an awful lot of coincidences lately!

God is sad about the suicide rate among veterans. But He can tell you the cause of it. It is society's effort to drive men into perverted acts, to sodomize themselves. Many men cannot withstand this pressure and they know that they will join in sodomy and destroy their souls. So before they can, before they submit to the lusts of the world and destroy themselves forever they are destroying their physical existence. The determination of the public to sodomize young men and even older ones is driving these good men to suicide. And God forgives them. Though He does not approve of suicide if this is the only way that they can keep themselves from destroying their souls and joining the filth that society has become, God will forgive them and see that they have a place in His Kingdom. There are some times that suicide is acceptable. It is the same as those that are driven by the mania to kill. Those that destroy themselves before they harm others are praised by God and welcomed to His Kingdom. So rightly He forgives those who end their existence rather than join in sodomy and destroy themselves, and, others forever. It is wrong to attack The Veterans Administration because of this situation. It is society that is destroying these people, driving them to end their existence by encouraging sodomy and not helping men resist the urges to take part in this sickness. This is something that you are needed for, something that your help to stop is desperately needed. You have the power to stop this, to turn society around, and to make sure that young men are taught that it is not acceptable to fulfill their homosexual desires, that they can live forsaking them and not have to destroy themselves. God calls you to this task. God asks you to save His sons, to turn them from evil. And the same is true for His daughters, because there are women that are killing themselves before they engage in sodomistic acts with other women. The problem is not among men, alone. The world has corrupted Our daughters, as well and they need the guidance from their mother to tell them not to take part in these things, to resist these urges and save their souls. That society has decayed and now says "Let anyone do whatever they want to do! Don't worry about it! Be tolerant, be accepting!" is destroying thousands. And if We do not stop it it will destroy all!

The Steward Of The Kingdom Of God
Through The Authority Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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