June 9, 2,008
God To The First Lady- You're The One, I Can't Change That



Saturday God sent his 40th letter to First Lady Laura Bush that explains how Gerald would be able too deal with the creature of Darkness at Guantanamo Bay.





Also on Saturday when Gerald took out some trash at work he slipped on a bottle cap and fell forward. Fortunately he was able to turn himself so he didn't land face first on the metal steps! He's doing o.k. but is mad because his right leg was just getting healed up from the previous injury and now is hurt again. He got a bruise on his chest and is scraped up on his right shoulder, his left leg, and there's a bruise beside one of his eyes. This happened around the time Hillary was giving her speech ending her bid for the presidency. We don't think she liked The Kingdom Of God's victory and the creatures of Darkness tried to strike back. Our friend Elgard took us to our favorite Chinese buffet restaurant to celebrate Hillary's defeat.
Sunday God sent His 41st letter to The First Lady congratulating her on her successful visit to Afghanistan. Where her next stop is in Paris, France He wrote a little song for the people there. It's great! Check it out when you can.




We're having a very frustrating time because of lack of personnel. God actually wanted Gerald to ask the CIA for help, and Gerald said no way he was going to ask them for any favors! What God wanted them to do was to have one of their agents in Japan do a psychic reading on the guy that went crazy and stabbed a whole bunch of people, and then have her fly back to the states and transfer the information to Gerald. Unfortunately this is the only way it would work. There's just some things you can't do by the telephone or, by the internet. It has to be hands on. Besides from not wanting to have dealings with The CIA, this would be a very danerous thing to ask a novice to do. Gerald wishes so much he had a team that he could send into the field and go places he couldn't go to retrieve information. He has a male that would be appropriate for doing the work. But We have no female operative. Of course We would need the cooperation of the government and the cooperation of the governments where they would be going. But it is necessary to have a female to retrieve information from males, and a male to retrieve information from females. Just doesn't work any other way. Your operatives would be destroyed too fast if males tried to read males, or, females females. But if We could get information from this guy we might be able to attack the demons' feeding chains. The more We can break their power, the better off We are! Unfortunately about the only way We could stop them from transferring power is to shut down all air travel, and that's not gonna happen! But it's not surprising things like this are happening in Japan. For some reason the creatures of Darkness are feeding much better in Asia. We're making headways against them other places, but Asia continues to be a problem. This phenomena is so strange that it is hard for Us to get a handle on it, but We're trying!
Monday God sent His 42nd letter to First Lady Laura Bush concerning the Cuban government being in trouble with The Kingdom Of God for offering free sex change operations to the country's residents.



June 10, 2,008
To The First Lady- Thank The Ladies



Monday God sent his second letter to California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger asking his help with Gerald's presidential campaign. He also had Linda send a copy to the California media in Los Angeles, Sacramento and San Francisco.




Tuesday in God's 43rd letter to First Lady Laura Bush He asks her to thank Gennifer Flowers and Paula Jones for putting up their web site and selling views of their videos that tell about their encounters with Bill Clinton. They've started another flow of power against The Democrats! Be sure to check it out! There's much more in it too.



June 11, 2,008
To The First Lady- Not Enough People



God has asked us to put another one of Gerald's fiction books on line as a reward to The American People for defeating Hillary Clinton in the 2,008 primaries, "Trail Blockers". Linda will be putting up a couple of pages a day, like she did with "The Fighting President". We hope everyone will enjoy it as much as those in The Afterlife, and, our old friend Elgard does. Here's the link. This book was also mentioned in Wednesday's letter to The First Lady.





God sent His 44th letter to The First Lady Wednesday, in which He explains why The Grand Alliance can't stop fighting the creatures of Darkness, and, features a message of support for Clint Eastwood after Spike Lee made negative comments about his movies. Be sure to check this out.





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