God's 44th Letter To First Lady Laura Bush

An Open Letter From God The Father
To First Lady Laura Bush

June 11, 2,008

Greetings To My Most Glorious Daughter!

Though We are making tremendous progress you do not know how I wish to be back in The Holiest Of All enjoying peace and tranquility and letting my blessed friend and my blessed Son lead the battles. I am afraid over the ages We have depended on Demetrius' people too much to do the fighting, to do the nasty things, while We did the pleasant. It is said that they are my strong left hand, my hand of justice and destruction. Now, however, in these tragic times We must use every resource We have, and though it is draining on Demetrius for me to work directly through him, I must continue to pour out my power to every worker We have. It simply cannot be avoided!

My beloved Son is totally occupied fighting the great spiritual battles on which depend Our success. Rather We like it or not, He must take on the position as one of my warriors. Our reserves cannot be held back! Even my daughters who normally guard Heaven while their men are in the field are going into the field also, and Our valiant allies are guarding Our Gates against any intrusion. These are very strange times! And only the unity of The Afterlife is keeping Us going, only the fact that the teachings of man are totally and completely wrong sustains Us. All that is good is not seperate. When We are in danger all rally to Us. The Children of Zeus, Odin, The Hindus, The Buddhists, The Confucists, every group that has a presence in The Afterlife has rallied to Us. And around the world We fight as one. Demetrius still cannot believe that he opposed Jesus forming The Grand Alliance! He thought We could do well enough, each of Us working Our own people. But my blessed Son's wisdom in making these agreements and having Us one unified Force has proven Our salvation, for without it We would have not succeeded. And We will not be able to succeed without it. Though We are still having difficulties with Demetrius' people. No matter how much We try to assure them that We are not trying to steal him and Alura, they still constantly complain about me calling Demetrius my prophet. But it cannot be avoided. He has taken the position of a prophet, he is doing my Work.

Oh! A question arose. Why doesn't The Bible say that I spoke openly through The Prophets? It just says they carried my messages. Well, in those days there was no question that when The Prophets were speaking I was speaking through them. Everyone knew it. It was unquestioned. I empowered every true Prophet and spoke through him. The people knew this without question, and it was never openly denied. So it was not directly explained in The Scriptures. I was speaking through The Prophets, that was it! It didn't have to be explained. With so many doubters today I am afraid We have to explain.

But there is only one way that I can return to The Holiest Of All and take this unnecessary burden off Demetrius and give my precious Son time to work with him so he will not be so drained. We must have more open material workers that publicly acknowledge Demetrius as my servant and state to the world that they follow him because they know that every word he utters is my truth, and that he can bestow on any that will receive it my power. We need that public acknowledgement. Today the servants of God are more feared than they were in Biblical times, in Old Testament times because they can bring down the powerful, humble the great, and create havoc when nations do not want havoc.

Demetrius is no exception. Do you think the current gas price situation is a mere coincidence? Do you think the flooding in the midwest which is the worst in decades, just happened to occur now? Do you think all this bad weather is just mere circumstance? No! It is the manifestation of the power that is flowing. Everything is in chaos. If We were not doing Our best to control these things it would actualy be worse! Several times We have deflected these terrible storms away from major population centers, and We are sure the people monitoring them are aware of their extremely odd behavior. But they will never admit Our power. We do not have enough people to control what is going on! The creatures of Darkness are tying Us down in these spiritual battles and forcing Us to use Our power against them dangerously draining the vital living energy of the entire world. Their goal is simple; to drive Us to the breaking point, to force Us to keep fighting until the entire system collapses, until the bond between the living and the dead is broken, and all life perishes. As I have said before, We are fighting the worst of the worst, and they have repeatedly said "If we cannot have mankind, if we cannot make them live the way we want them to live so they feed us with their lust and their greed, and their hate, we will destroy them! If we can't have them, we won't let you have them!" So there is no retreat. We cannot back off. We cannot cease fighting. Failure is not an option. The creatures of Darkness have one purpose; to sodomize Our children and destroy them. Every minister that is teaching the acceptance of homosexuality is a part of this plot. Every celebrity that is supporting gay marriage is controlled by the creatures of Darkness and part of this effort. They have one goal in their souls, they exist for one purpose..to destroy mankind, to destroy all life on Earth and they must not succeed!

We have the power to stop them, We need the people to use it. We need the people that will fight, that will speak up and tell all the world what is happening. Demetrius watched a British commentator attacking an Anglican bishop that opposed the homosexual movement. The commentator kept repeating over and over again that The Anglicans don't follow Biblical doctrine. Why should they oppose homosexuality? The answer is simple. Homosexuality is a filth, it is sickness, it is disgusting! Any normal man rejects it, is sickened by it. Anyone that isn't is not a man. The Scriptures clearly teach that it is wrong and unacceptable, and it is time The Anglicans started following Scripture. They cannot say they are my servants if they do not do my will! This commentator insulted the bishop by saying he hadn't followed Jesus' teachings and given away all he had. This man is a fool. This commentator is a creature of Darkness. He is twisting Biblical teachings to promote his filth, and he should be put off the air. He will never enter my Kingdom. Such abominations as this never will. His purpose is to destroy my children, and people like him should be rejected. This bishop should be praised by all for defending my truth and not attacked by the ignorant!

This is why We need you. You can rally the people to Us. You can make them understand that it is wrong for the ignorant and the depraved to attack the innocent and call them insane, to call them homophobic because they speak my divine truths. The wrong of this is unquestioned. Every woman that speaks out against lesbianism is absolutely justified. Every man that speaks out against homosexuality is absolutely justified. They are right with me. They support my perfection, they support my divine creation. It is those that oppose them that are the lunatics, that are insane, that are mentally derranged and this should never be questioned. Any judge that tries to keep my children from speaking the truth, from stating publically that homosexuality is a sickness and should be stopped, should be removed from the bench, should be imprisoned, for he is a creature of Darkness and his purpose is to destroy my children in the name of free speech. There have to be limits, no matter how much the liberals do not want them. There have to be limits, and one of those limits is that the insane cannot draw my children into their insanity, cannot make them do their evil. It must be forbidden! And I instruct you to join the effort to forbid it according to the promises that you have made me.

Oh! One pleasant note to end with! Everyone is so joyous that We have defeated Hillary in the primaries that They wanted to reward the people. We have asked Demetrius to put another one of his stories up on line as a gift to the people. We have little to give, but We will give what We can. The joys his stories brings to Us helps Us keep going in these terrible times. We want to share that with the living. Here's the link. Alura will be adding pages daily. It's called "Trail Blockers." It's a good yarn!


One more thing. Do tell Clint Eastwood I support him completely and tell Spike Lee to get a life! Now, don't get me wrong, Lee has been doing a very good job bringing forth the contributions of the people of color to history. But he should not ask Clint to rewrite history and add his people into things that they did not take part in. It is unfortunate that they did not, that they were kept out of some of history's major efforts but let's not attack people representing the truth, telling things the way they happened. This is wrong. We do not rewrite history for any purpose. Let's make sure that from now on the people of color take part in all the great events of history. This is Demetrius' goal. But let's not attack people that are telling things the way they happened because people of color did not take part in them. This is not right

The Ruler Of The Kingdom Of God,
Through The Stewardship Of My Beloved Son,
Jesus Of Nazareth, Called The Christ,
Now, And, Forever

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