June 23, 2,008
God To The First Lady- A Disgusting Mission



Friday we were shocked to learn that our last remaining contact working at ABC TV's "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" was no longer working there. Also as God mentioned in his letter to The First Lady KROQ's email wasn't working for us either. We hope when they get back from vacation in a week it will turn out to be just a computer glitch with CBS radio and we'll be able to contact Kevin & Bean once again.



Saturday God sent a decree to First Lady Laura Bush announcing Ellen Degeneres is officially The Anti Christ! Be sure to check out the details!




Saturday we also put up a link to some pictures Linda drew on God's instructions as to what Gerald will be doing on the sabbath June 27, using his true spiritual form in The Kingdom Of God concerning God's decree on Ellen DeGeneres. Be sure to check them out when you can! http://www.voicesfromspirit.com/tkog/e1.htm


Also on this day Gerald wrote a letter on behalf of John Lennon and God The Father to The Prime Minister Of Britain and a few newspapers in London, England. Here's the link.





Sunday God sent His 50th letter to The First Lady which contains lyrics to a new song by John Lennon about how he came to believe as he does now, and his current situation, and much, much more! Here's the link.





Sunday Gerald sent an email to the secretary general of The UN asking for advice concerning John's situation.





Monday God sent his 51st letter to First Lady Laura Bush concerning Gerald's letter to The UN and more.




June 24, 2,008
Brilliant Leadership



Yesterday The Angelic Guard was mentioned in the letter to The First Lady. It is hard to believe the horrendous changes that have occured in The Kingdom Of God in the last few years! The Angelic Guard, which only numbered a few thousand, usually only served as honor guards and that type of thing, simple crowd control in The Circle Of The Apostles. But now They have become a coordinated military Force fighting under Jesus' leadership and carrying on almost nightly missions into the material world to fight the creatures of Darkness.
Many taking part in the battles still fight under their own colors, such as in Los Angeles, where The American Military has taken it upon Themselves to guard that city, mainly marines, but with supporting troops from the rest of the services, and with the Forces of the old confederacy now called The Confederate Forces Of Atonement guarding the major strongpoints within the city.
But all are under the overall command of the Leader of The Angelic Hosts, James "the son of Alphaeus". It is incredible how he has laid out the chain of command! It is he that advises Jesus and John Lennon where the trouble spots are each night so that they can arrive at the places where they are most needed. The setting up of scouts, the retrieving of information, all done with expert skill.
James is not one embarrassed to seek the counsel of seasoned warriors and to give command to one who is best suited in a certain area. Muhammed is in charge of The Arab Sector and has complete control of The Forces there. James has never had to countermand any of Muhammed's instructions. Sometimes he has had to withdraw Forces from other parts of the world to render Muhammed aid, but Muhammed's strategy in the area has been superb! Day after day he has been wearing down the creatures of Darkness in Iraq, and steadfastly destroying them. If only Father Abraham could get there with more power they could be delivered a crushing blow.
James takes advice from other seasoned fighters too, not just in The Kingdom Of God, but of the other spiritual Kingdoms. Sometimes so many of The Kingdom Of God's Forces have been down that James has had to put The Kingdom Of God's women into the field. At those times Lord Buddha and his people guard The Gates Of Heaven as fiercely as any of God's children! This might sound strange to some, but Buddha was originally a warrior, and knows the necessity of sometimes guarding The Gates.
That The Commander Of The Angelic Guard has so many resources to draw upon is the glorification of The Kingdom Of God. But We are holding Our ground because of the quality of the people that lead. If we could only get that quality of leadership in the material world! Here is a man who does not care who it is that is coming to his aid. He does not care what that person believes. The only thing he cares about is that that person will stand fast against the creatures of Darkness, and that is the only thing that matters, the only thing!



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