July 7, 2,008
To The First Lady- Wow!
An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
To First Lady Laura Bush



July 7, 2,008



Most Profound Greetings To An Incredible Servant Of God!



God is busy this morning trying to handle some of the incredible phenomena that is happening since Our victory at Ithaca, New York. There is so much that Everybody is simply reeling! We thought as soon as the truce ended the creatures of Darkness would again attack, probably in Washington, but We had a whole night of peace. It is obvious that We have hurt them severely, and some incredible phenomena is happening because of Our victory. Here's just some of it.


The age old question has arisen "If there is a 48 hour truce, why is there still evil in the world?" Well, for three reasons, really. Sometimes people don't need any encouragement to do evil all by themselves. The dark forces often use peoples' evil but there will always be evil without them, as well.


And the creatures of Darkness have the same problem that The Forces Of Light have. Sometimes once things are set in motion there's no stopping them. Even if those working for you receive your signal to stop they ignore it and go right ahead and do what they were instructed to do. That's why The Kingdom Of God has to be really careful when Its angry, that It doesn't set things into motion that It wishes It could stop later.


And some of the things that are happening aren't really evil. Nobody planned them, nobody intended them, they just happen. That's the nature of the world. Some criminal might be walking down the street, see an armored car and a man carrying a bag, overcome the man and take off with the bag. Nobody planned it, nobody intended it, it just happened! That's why things are still going on! The world is a very fluid thing. It's forever changing. Let's hope it's changing for the good!



God is very pleased that The United Arab Emerites is forgiving Iraq's debts. This is a very good sign! We don't know if it is an effect of what has happened, or just one of those spontaneous things. But God promises everyone will be repayed in time. Some kindness will be done for this country.



We wrote the paragraph above Sunday. By Monday morning We would say God has been fulfilling His promise. The incredible phenomena just continues! 37 demons from the Emerites that took a beating in the last spiritual battle approached The Bearers of Light and asked if they could be given flesh. The pain from their most recent wounds was the worst that they had ever suffered! They promised that they would lead good and honorable lives if they would be given a second chance for eternity. The Bearers Of Light were discussing rather or not to summon a Lord Of Light and see if this could be accomplished when before Their eyes the demons spontaneously reincarnated! Everyone was totally amazed! Bearers Of Light do not have the power to do this. But apparently They sought out people that were being reborn and switched them with the demons! The bodies the demons are inhabiting are not perfect, they have some slight defects, but they are good enough that they will be able to lead long and prosperous lives in them. Everybody thought that there could not possibly be any more wonders that night, but to Everyone's amazement 14 demons in Iraq came forward there, making the same request, and they were reincarnated! Everyone in Paradise were gathered around Muhammed praising him for restoring his children, and Muhammed was assuring them that though he was as joyous as them he had not done it. He believed that this was accomplished because of the power of Our Lady In Washington. Our Blessed Mother has restored her children.



As Muhammed was speaking 25 spirits walked up, their spokesman saying that they petitioned to enter Paradise. Muhammed bid them welcome, then one of the men with him said "Wait a minute! I know this man! We were bitter enemies. I watched him suffer the second death. He is gone forever! He cannot be here!" It was soon discovered that all the rest were individuals that suffered the second death! Their families were summoned and after extensive questioning declared that these were indeed their relatives! But they too, were fully aware that they had suffered the second death and that these could not be their kinsmen! But they would swear that they were! It is also very apparent they are in the late stages of reincarnation. "This has happened before," Muhammed declared. "It is believed that another God is visiting Ours, The Father of another world, and that He is creating these replacement souls to give Us a chance to save Our people. If this is so, We give Him Our blessings, and Our praise. Welcome these ones! Care for them, cherish them until they enter back into life. God is blessing Us for the good that We are doing. Perhaps We can encourage others to do more good so We will be blessed more." Everyone quickly departed to carry out Muhammed's instructions.



All the celebrations yesterday brought another surprise. There has always been a tiny bit of contention between The Spiritist Republic and The Kingdom Of God because The Kingdom Of God did not believe in mixed racial marriages and The Republic encouraged them. To everyone's surprise in the midst of the merriment Sunday God sent out a decree saying "I have always believed that my creation was perfect, and that I endowed each race with the abilities best suited for them to survive. This is unquestioned. But it has been brought to my attention that now in order to survive each race needs diverse abilities. So I am lifting my objections to mixed racial marriage. It is




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