High Crimes And Low Crimes



There shall be two classifications of criminal acts in these statutes, high crimes, and, low crimes. High crimes may be punishable by death, or, by long term imprisonment. Low crimes may be punishable by short term imprisonment, not exceeding one year, and fines. All fines shall be based on the person's income. Each person shall be required to know how much they make each week, even if they are not salaried employers. So if they are brought before judgment on a low crime and are fined, the court shall be able to determine easily how much their fine should be.



All fines shall be based on a percentage of the person's income. Say if a person is caught speeding they should be fined 25% of their weekly income for every five miles an hour they are over the speed limit. So if a person was speeding at a rate of 65 miles an hour in a 45 mile an hour speed zone and they made $200 a week their fine would be $100. This is a very simple procedure. But also this. Each time a person is caught violating the same law any fine pertaining to that law is doubled. So the fourth time a person was caught speeding the fine would be 200% of their weekly income. this is to discourage repeat offenses. Also, after a fourth offense this individual should lose the right to use a motor vehicle for a specified amount of time according to these statutes.



High crimes shall be very serious crimes; treason, murder, rape, theft from a church, the desecrating of a cemetery, arson, kidnapping, extortion, swindling, to name but a few. High crimes are those crimes that are committed not just against individuals, but against society, as a whole, that are of a serious nature. They are not limited by this list. This is only an example to show the severity of crimes that should be considered of a high nature.



Low crimes would consist of speeding, littering, the use of obscene gestures in public, the wearing of inappropriate clothes, minor damage of public and private property, petty theft. These are examples of low crimes. The punishments for these crimes should be far less severe than the punishment for major crimes. Of course this is only a partial list to give an example. But low crimes mainly consist of crimes against individuals, and being a public nuisance, rather than crimes against society as a whole.



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