December 27, 2,008

An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald Polley
To The King Of Saudi Arabia

Got thinking this morning about the first time we met. Of course you don't remember. It was 500,000 years ago! I was a traveler from the stars and you were a chieftain trying to protect your people against a demon. You kept trying to kill me. It took me quite a while to convince you I wasn't an enemy, and to set up trade with your people, which was quite beneficial. I still remember when you brought that little girl to me and said "Here! You need a wife!" The poor thing was terrified! She thought the first time I touched her she would burst into flames and be consumed! But she thought she would die a Goddess and be honored by her people. When that didn't happen she decided she was the wife of a great chieftain and she would gain as much honor as she could. Guess she did a pretty good job, three sons and four daughters! I wonder which one you're descended from? The Islamic People in The Afterlife believe she is the mother of mankind. I'm not surprised she's with you again, now. It's too bad she's not one of the courier/protectors! That would've been interesting! But she's definitely too young to be a wife now, and the people around here don't believe in more than one wife anyway. So it's best this time around, she finds some local boy, and when The Awakening starts helps with that.
But I really think it's time for us to take a vacation. Next time around let's just be farmers somewhere growing turnips and kids, lots of kids that we can send off to the stars. Let the younger souls deal with all these headaches. Well, enough nostalgia! I suppose we've gotta get to work. We've been asked if We're going to destroy Israeli souls for bombing Gaza. Absolutely not! As long as Hamas is firing rockets into Israel The Israelis have every right to take out their command posts. And as the people manning those command posts deliberately place them in areas surrounded by women and children, the casualties are the responsibility of Hamas, not The Israelis. Fifteen relatives of the Hamas leaders even offered to sacrifice themselves in atonement for The Palestinians that were killed. But it was decided that those who had already lost their lives were enough, and Hamas must be warned! They must understand if they send suicide bombers into Israel ten of their people will be destroyed for every Israeli that dies. This will simply not be tolerated any more. God has forbidden it!
Somehow We must reach The Pakistanis and make them understand that they cannot attack India. No matter how they feel about their national soverignty they cannot use armed force to protect the terrorists! We will not be able to defend their armies. They will have no protection. God's Forces will be backing the Indian troops. Even The Islamic Spiritual Warriors will be fighting for them. What The Pakistani troops should be doing is seizing the terrorist camps and all their supporters. There should be no thoughts, whatsoever, of attacking India! It is precisely what the creatures of Darkness want, and We must not let them succeed! This situation must be defused! It is imperative!
There has been instant reprisal for the mortar attacks in Baghdad. Twenty of the souls of those responsible were destroyed in their bodies, making them the living dead. It was decided this was the course of action with these particular individuals. And as We have warned, every time there is an incident like this where the terrorists kill innocents ten of theirs will pay, and there is no force on Earth that can stop Us, even if the government of The United States forbids me to tell what is happening the retaliation will still take place, it's that simple! So these people need to be warned. Their loved ones are being destroyed forever to restore God's honor, every time they kill, every time they murder. Their loved ones should know this because they might not want to be their victims! And We're getting really good. I'm rather proud of my people in Los Angeles. They took out the Santa Clause killer there with incredible efficiency! His evil was detected, They got there in time to foul his plans and save several then caused him to destroy himself both physically and spiritually. Darn good piece of work! As We say, sometimes We can't protect Our children but We always avenge them, sooner or later. And We much prefer it when it's sooner, as in this case. But those mourning their dead can have satisfaction that the one responsible has been destroyed forever. He didn't get away! And he'll never hurt anyone else. This is the way We like to get things done!
Oh! I have to tell you you have an admirer. The little lost one that We have been taking care of thinks you're very special and wishes she could visit you spiritually even though you would not remember. She is seeking men that have daughters and love them. so that she can get their memories, and when she gets to confront her mother can say "Mother, this is what was supposed to be! This is the life I was supposed to have. This is how little girls are supposed to be treated!" She believes it will make it far easier for her to destroy her. We wish so much there was an alternative to this situation. If the mother would confess there is actually a way We might save her, but We could never set it up. The authorities would never let Us have her. But it is wondrous how circumstances present themselves. It would solve one of the problems that we have. But as I say, it would be impossible to reach her. So her fate is assured. The moment after she dies her daughter will get her five minutes, and she will cease to exist. And a few minutes after that her daughter will have her peace, also. Sometimes there's only certain ways that We can help. But this child wants peace and she will have it!
God wanted us to be in residence in Washington by January 1st. Absolutely impossible now, even if we could get the people here necessary to get me stabilized so we could move, it would take at least five days with two, seven with one. So it would be utterly impossible to make it there by the 1st. But God continues to believe that if we can combine our powers we can succeed. His children can survive. If there was only a way! I mean, we've been going at this for so long seems like we should be able to find a way of joining our powers, of getting people to listen! You'd think there was some way!

He Who Serves Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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