By; Speaker Gerald Polley

Priscilla was hungry. To tell the absolute truth she was starving! She had found an accident where there was a female's body and she wanted to get to it. But three male demons were feeding on the male in the car and they were some of the worst in the area. She knew what they would insist upon to let her feed, and she really didn't want it. But she was so very, very hungry.
Suddenly one of the males cried out. "I know you're out there! I can smell your sweetness. Come on! Come on in!"
Priscilla sighed and came out where they could see her. "Oh!" the strongest of the demons sighed. "It's the little one that sold her sister to the pimp and her mother cut her throat. Go on! Feed! You won't have to do anything."
"You're getting soft!" the demon who had first spoken remarked.
"Not soft," the other demon answered, "just tired. Leave her alone!"
Priscilla quickly got into the woman's body. She was smashed up pretty bad and it hurt, but the life energy that remained in the body surged into her. But Priscilla realized something. It was too strong! There was something wrong here. Then she realized this woman wasn't dead. Her soul was still in her body. But that couldn't be!
Suddenly there was light and Priscilla was in agony. She saw the two male demons grabbed into the light and sucked into the man's body. Then she heard a woman speaking.
"Finally! I didn't think a female would ever show up. I couldn't wait any longer. I had to take her. Come on! Let's get out of here!"
"Right!" came a man's voice. We've got to go take on the new identities we've prepared. They're looking for these. So we won't be able to use their credit cards too much.
Priscilla tried to get out of the body but agony struck her.
"Please stop doing that!" the woman's voice came. "You can't leave. You're mine now, as long as you last. Don't fight! It will only hurt you. And I really don't like to do that."
"What are you?" Priscilla asked.
"I'm a succubus," the woman answered, "different from you. I have a body and a soul. But I have no consciousness. Every once and a while in order to survive I must take a consciousness and use it as a bridge to transfer the energy from my body to my soul. Unfortunately as I do so it corrodes the consciousness I have taken and it slowly ebbs away. As you creatures of Darkness are pure consciousness, pure mental energy, you're among our favorite prey. Don't worry! It's really not all that unpleasant. You just slowly forget more and more. In the end some of you are very happy because you forget what it was that made you what you are and you only remember pleasant things when you fade away into nothingness. Don't fight, please?"
Priscilla tried to think. Suddenly there was a little girl in front of her, standing in the road in front of the woman.
"Well, hello dear!" the woman remarked. "Are you lost, darlin'?"
"Release her!" the little girl snapped, "Release them all! If you do we'll take you some place and let you die peacefully. If you don't we'll destroy you. We know how to do it and there's enough of us to do it!"
The woman looked around. There were hundreds of demons all around them, male and female.
"I don't know what you're talking about," the woman sighed.
Priscilla felt her hold weakening and pulled free. "Damn!" the woman cursed when she was out of her body.
"Now it's your turn not to fight," Priscilla snapped.
The woman sighed. A car pulled up, four people got out, and quickly handcuffed the woman and her companion. "Don't try to feed on them," the child warned, "you get a nasty surprise if you do. They're not human. You try to take their consciousnesses and it will burn you like hell! You'll be well treated."
"'Til we die!" the woman moaned.
Her and her companion were sped away. Priscilla looked at the little girl.
"I know who you are," she remarked. "I'm sorry about what happened to you. But why are you helping them so much? You seem to be in command here. Why is everybody obeying you? Don't you know what's going to happen to you in the end? No matter how much you do for them they'll still destroy you. Eternal death is the only thing they can give you."
The child looked at her and smiled. "I know that," she answered. "I accept that. But I want my existence to mean something. I want people to know I passed this way, and that I accomplished something. Yes, I let the hate devour me, and I did bad things. And for that I will have to be destroyed. It is the only thing I can expect. But while I'm waiting to have justice I can do as much good as I can. Can you imagine if because they loved me they started the Mid East peace movement and I helped create a homeland for The Palestinians? Wouldn't that be something to be remembered for rather than being remembered as the little girl who was murdered by her mother? I want to do something. I want to be remembered for something good. I know my fate, I know there's no way I can avoid it, but if those who are protecting me can help me do some nice things, when it comes it won't feel that bad."
Priscilla smiled. "I hope you succeed!" she answered. "I hope they love you!"
Both of them faded into the night.

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