An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
21-09-00 AJ



Love the work of Rex Ungericht and Gary Hermann! Great writer and great singer! Here's a link to another one of their songs about the supposed Planet X and the Annunaki.


I wish to assure everybody again that these stories that Earth is going to be taken over by aliens are absolute bunk! Not saying some aliens wouldn't like to take over Earth. But the force We now have protecting Earth isn't going to let that happen! It is because of the interference of one such race that We are now in the fix We are in. That race paid a terrible price for interfering with Us. You need to read Demetrius' online book "The Truth Is Here." There is no Planet X, there is no Annunaki, not any more any way! As soon as Demetrius receives a report of such stories he checks them out. If there is any truth to them whatsoever, the interfering race is dealt with. To tell you truthfully, there are extra terrestrials that visit Earth almost daily. There are things they need on Earth to continue the existence of their people, their worlds. They are strictly controlled. Direct contact with humans is absolutely forbidden! No aliens are going to come to the rescue, not openly. We have to solve Our own problems. The aliens are already here. If you want to know how many there are, take the population of the Earth, divide it in half, and times it by four. That's how many alien souls exist in the Earth's biosphere. They can leave any time they want now, but they're extremely stubborn. They don't want to see their children destroyed. They'll fight to the very end! And anyone that gets in their way needs my help, needs it very much! Here's the link to "The Truth Is Here". If you really want to know about aliens this is the place! It's the most accurate record that exists.



Our friend Elgard sent us the most interesting link to a video of music that has been recorded by a satellite orbiting Saturn. Many think this music is from extra terrestrials. Demetrius chuckles when he hears this because he remembers from his space faring days when his people roamed the stars that they often found this phenomena around planets that had rings. Somehow the magnetic fields generated by the rings interact with each other and cause radio emmissions that so mimic intelligent origins that his people often believed that they were the work of unknown entities. However these things come into creation they are beautiful.



Remember some time ago I told you I was after The Catholic Church and would cause them all kinds of trouble, especially certain ones including the parish in Miami? Well, Beatrice Hernandez is certainly helping me do that! The former stripper has had a child by Father David Dueppen, a Catholic priest, and is demanding DNA tests to prove that it is his child. The priest has physically attacked her and has threatened to kill her and take away her child if she does not be quiet. Not only is this man a pervert, breaking his vow of celibacy, but he also engages in abusive behavior towards women. I accomplish my goals! No matter how much people laugh, no matter how much they say "God can't do that!" I do it! All the world should remember that. When I say I will do something, people should not laugh. I will continue to attack The Catholic Church until I destroy it, until so much of its corruption is exposed that the world will abandon it and its temples will be empty. People say I can't do this, I mustn't do this. But I tell you just watch, just watch what I can do! If The Pope will not reform the Church, if he will not end celibacy and stand against homosexuality I will bring the Church down! I will make the people abandon it. And anybody that thinks I can't do it, just watch, just watch!
Demetrius sees the government is taking his advice and putting reflective material into the upper atmosphere to cool the planet until something can be done about the pollution and instigate permanent cures. Their first attempt wasn't too bad. The only thing is, they have to learn how to align the particles so they stay in the right position and reflect in the right direction. However, he's quite sure the process will work.
We are extremely concerned with the reports of all the mutated creatures that are being found. This is one of the first signs that the circle of life may be breaking down. We wish so much We could get the courier/protectors.
Groucho Marx still wants Demetrius to get his old house and establish Our headquarters there, skip Washington until he becomes president, use the power in Los Angeles instead, and send others to Washington. Go to Washington when he's president. Demetrius too, likes the idea. However, if We were to have to work in such cramped quarters, putting four of the goddesses to a room he would have to have their consent. There is also the problem of education. Demetrius wants the goddesses to go to public school where they could intermingle with children whose parents come from every walk of life. Many are objecting to this because of security reasons, even in Demetrius' dreams where the corrupt social workers struck was very often when the girls were going to school. They want the girls taught at home. They say it will also be easier for them to perform their missions if they are being educated in this way. Some suggest starting their own private school on the property and having children from every walk of life join the goddesses and be educated with them. An idea, but an expensive idea. A project such as this creates so many problems! I ask all my friends to comment on this issue, give Demetrius their advice. Demetrius would agree if he can be assured the goddesses will get a proper education because they will need it. Give Us your opinion! He would like advice from all over.


He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever





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