An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
04-09-00 AJ



First thing this morning I'm asked to give some information on what happened with Jonathan Ayers, pastor at Shoal Creek Baptist Church in Lavonia, Georgia, and even I have to say We're not exactly sure, but something was going on! Some of my agents by pure chance, working on something else, well, they were trying to get support to make Nelson Mandela the Ruler of my Kingdoms, stumbled on this incident and tried to render assistance. When they caught up with the vehicle they found a spirit outside of it and quickly realized that the body inside was possessed by a demon! They told the spirit that they could help it, but it answered "No need now. I've stopped it. It can't hurt her now, or, the baby. It wanted the baby. Please have your master take care of it." The spirit then entered The Afterlife and fled into the Darkness. No one could keep track of it. Rather it suffered the second death or not, We're not sure. Demetrius was trying to find out some information but every time he tried to search for the church on Google the phony virus attacked that is supposed to be an anti virus protection system. He finally did find the church's web site on Excite. There didn't seem to be anything there of interest to Us. Somehow, some way apparently a creature of Darkness got possession of this individual's body, and he managed to lure him into this situation so the body would be destroyed. Why he fled We have no idea. Hopefully he's still intact out in the Darkness and eventually can come in and explain the situation, if those in the material world don't find it out first. Sooner or later We'll piece it together, may take a while. It's very rare that anything ever escapes Us. That's all even I can tell you! As Demetrius is fond of saying there's something rotten in Denmark and it's not The Danes. Anybody know where that expression came from? I have been asked what should be done with Rifqa Bary, who says she fears for her life because she has converted to Christianity, that her father has been instructed by the leaders of her mosque to kill her. Her family swears the allegations are false. Unfortunately with the sad history of these matters, what has been done to young women and young men by fanatics when they choose another way I would recommend that the young woman remain in the care of the state until she is of age. I would not try to force a reconciliation. If her parents truly have no fault with her conversion they will understand her fears because of what has happened in the past, release her from their sphere of influence and let her go her own way . If they desire to tell her that she is dead to them and can never return, that is their right. If they feel she has become another person no longer connected with them they may separate from her. I do not like this. I wish families would stay in harmony with each other when some choose to worship me in different ways, However I will not force the issue.
I have been asked how can I say such totally impossible things about my servant Demetrius and still say I want to make him president of The United States? Well, anyone that says anything I say is preposterous would never understand my answer. I want to prove to the world that a man that believes such things is just as good as anybody else and can serve in great positions. Just because someone sincerely believes in me absolutely, and has powers, is aware of things that ordinary people aren't does not mean he cannot serve in high positions. I believe my servant is far more capable than many others, and my goal is to make him so rich and famous, to have him do so many wondrous things even before he is president that the people will want him to be president, because they will want him to do even greater things. Look what he is doing already! The mere possibility that he may form an alliance with North Korea is forcing the American government to open up to North Korea and not to worry so much about their nuclear weapons program, and not use it for political posturing. Already he is using them and many in the world know it. If We succeed in other things despite their interference the American people will see the qualities of the person I am asking to serve and understand how beneficial his service would be to them. I am a cunning old God! I know how to play the game! I have for untold ages.
As I say, Demetrius will give the people something they have never had before. Truth. He will not hide things. In one of his dreams some of the courier/protectors defy him and use some of his sperm to be artificially inseminated and produce four beautiful children. In the dream Demetrius doesn't hide this but presents the children to the world, telling everybody he hasn't yet decided on how the young women will be punished but he cannot hide what they have done. That would be senseless. This would be the difference between Demetrius and others. With him the people would always have the truth, even if it might hurt our cause a little, they would always have the truth. Hopefully this is just a dream. But if it turned out to be prophecy the world would know. We would not hide it. We might be upset about it, but We would not hide it. That is Our way. To Us the truth is everything, and that should be the way with all, though some day it is the wish of all in The Afterlife that Demetrius may present to the world Florence Mable Polley, Esther Virginia Polley and Forrest James Polley, and a little later Gerald Albert Polley. It is a dream we all have because it should be so. No matter what his fears his mother's greatest prayer should be answered, that her son produce generations, and those generations should lead their people to the stars. After all, that is the promise I gave the descendants of Abraham, that they would outnumber the grains of sand on all the beaches of the worlds. And I do like to keep my promises.


He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And Forever





Never trouble another for what you can do for yourself. ( Thomas Jefferson )

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