An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
01--11-00 AJ

Again Demetrius was going to take a day off, but so much is going on that We just couldn't let him have it. The people of India are begging me to acquire the two children that We are now interested in and make them gods and goddesses. So using my aspect as Brahma I came through Demetrius this morning and created twelve images which are actually messages to The People Of India. I ask the Indian government to purchase these images from Demetrius so he may use the funds to offer the two children positions as courier/protectors. It is very important that the order in which I presented these images be used. And I would like each stamp to be released a month apart, beginning in January, 2,010 and ending in December. These images are designed to spread my power and glory throughout India, to raise my power in that country in the struggle to save my children, to empower these particular children in the performance of their mission. So I ask The People Of India to request of their government that they follow my wishes, acquire the rights to these images, and use them as I direct, so the people of India will be empowering my work to save all the world. Here is the link to the images. I ask every person in India that has a web site to put a link to them and to tell all their friends to look at them so the power We need will be generated and India will take part in the glory that will raise its people to the stars. We have the power, We need to spread it among Our people. Here's the link!

I am deeply disappointed that Abdullah Abdullah has withdrawn from the Afghan runoff. As I have said I want this election badly and I want it to be honest. It is vital if We are to succeed in Afghanistan. But I am having a very hard time finding something to offer Abdullah to encourage him to reenter the race and to continue to serve if he is defeated. I suggested to his forbears that I offer to let him select the male Islamic protector from among his family as The Saudi Arabians have not come forward with one yet. They said "No! Absolutely not! The Saudi Royal Family are descended from Israel as well as Ishmael. They would have the most power to protect Sarah, and Our most powerful must serve at this time. No! This is unacceptable!" Then I said "Well, I might offer him the rule of one of the worlds that We will be offering in a thousand years." His forbears answered "No! Can't do that! He's not really one of us, he's one of The Children Of The Stars, the son of The Great Lord Of Morning mentioned in The People's History. He is already promised the rulership of the second world the children inhabit in the stars. He has long abided in Our family and served Us, but We could not take his birthright." Then I suggested that he become Sarah's earthly protector, traveling with her and seeing to her material needs while the spiritual protectors see to her spiritual needs. Again, his forbears said "No! This is offered to Gadhafi," they argued, "and is important so the power of Libya will be added to Our efforts. That offer must continue." We continued to discuss for some time and then someone suggested "Where things are not going well, and the Islamic protectors are going to have to serve while their earthly territories are being set up, why don't you offer to make him the Islamic protector's regent who will administer her properties while she is serving and then assist her when she comes into her own, helping her rule?" I thought, "Well, this isn't much of a reward, but it is definitely a place of honor! I will suggest this." So I am making this offer to Abdullah Abdullah. If he will stay with the election then help form a power sharing government, help Us deal with corruption and, The Taliban, when this position becomes availble I will ask the Islamic protector to offer it to him, which I'm sure she will accept. I am sure she would want such a great Lord from the stars to serve her. Oh! To keep things in balance I should mention that President Hamid Karzai is also one of the great leaders from the stars that worked with Demetrius many ages ago, and is also mentioned in his People's History. He was called Spearon and was a leader among the great Peepian people. He had the wisdom to join his people in the great battle against the evil The Republic was opposing, an alliance that brought victory. We hope his efforts will have the same effect on Earth. Here's the rest of the art. Didn't get to send it out yesterday. As you can see on the last link Mao was at it again! Demetrius so wishes We wouldn't send people messages without telling him what they mean. Now, he knows I wouldn't say anything improper! So I ask The People Of India to tell him what I'm saying in today's art so he won't be worried he's offending somebody!

One last thing. Demetrius suffered an almost crippling headache yesterday at work. He believes it's because he let the humidity in the apartment get too low, but We're not sure. It may have been a psychic attack. For several moments it incapacitated him, he couldn't function! That disturbs Us! Anything that shuts off his power worries Us! However, We could find no reports of any of Our enemies perishing, so We can't be positive. Demetrius says it couldn't have been on Halloween but We still wonder.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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