An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
02-11-00 AJ



First of all this morning, Afghanistan. We've been asked if there's any way Abdullah Abdullah can still get the reward We offer now that the runoff election has been cancelled and a winner declared. Well, if he accepts the winner and cooperates, forms a power sharing government, and continues in the efforts to stop corruption, We think there is a possibility that if he assists Us in getting The Iraqis to send the courier/protector, and, to raise funds for the Palestinian homeland, it might be possible to still put an agreement together, though I really did want that election. We'll have to work to make sure that the next one is right and proper. Of course We would like to form an alliance with the winner, as well, perhaps Abdullah could help Us do that. There are opportunities! There are so many things that need to be done. We need assistants in every country, and those assistants will be rewarded either by me or by those they truly serve.
Now, speaking of serving, I asked Demetrius to create twelve more images for me for India, to transmit power to the people because so much has been stolen by The Europeans. So Demetrius made some images, opening his soul so his power would flow out to India. Fortunately We've got a nice little page that has some Hindu symbols that he was able to copy and add to, with his own special touches that the people of India should recognize. But then, We ran into a problem as to how to distribute them, how to get them to the people. We thought again, of asking the Indian government to produce them as postage stamps. Demetrius says "No, that wouldn't be enough!" Then We thought of asking some printer to print them, sell them and Demetrius said "That wouldn't get them to the poor. I've got it!" he remarked, "We'll ask a newspaper to publish them."
Sarah emails to The Kashmir Times. We'll give them the first opportunity. Then if they don't like the offer We'll make it available to any Indian newspaper that wants to contact Us. We'll offer to let them print the images free of charge in their paper, so anyone that buys one can trim it, frame it, and keep it in their home. This is how We can distribute Krishna's power, restore some of that that has been stolen from India. As We can't charge for it because it is a power distributing effort, We will ask The Indian People to request of the newspaper that they send a resonable donation to The Palestinian Homeland Fund in return for that that Krishna is giving them. I answered "Demetrius, you are the one that knows about these things. We will go by your suggestion. We will make this offer to this Indian newspaper. If they will print one of these images a week for twelve weeks without charging extra for their papers they may do so. Our power and glory will go out through their publication. Then if they desire they may send a donation to begin the Palestinian work. This would be excellent for it would show good will towards The Musllims as Krishna rewards them. It is an excellent idea!" So if this paper wishes to contact Us and get permission to distribute these images, to distribute Krishna's power throughout India, We will grant it. Here's the link to the art work.

Oh! There's one other thing. There's two other art works. Though they definitely have power they're not meant for this project. One is called "The Eye Of Odin" and the other is called "What The Seer Sees." Demetrius & I have an argument. He says this is not art, it's just playing with pictures. I say it IS art! I would appreciate it very much if the people of India would look at these images and render their opinion, rather they side with me or they side with Demetrius. Is this or is this not art?
Here's the latest issue of "Voices"! It's got everything that was happening to Us last month plus some extra little tidbits that Demetrius has thrown in to clarify some things. That this information is kept available I thnk is very important.

There are concerns about how Demetrius' operations are going to be carried on if he becomes president. Well another reason We need the courier/protectors and, their supporters, so that there will be those available to keep "Voices" going and tell the world what is happening while Demetrius is occupied elsewhere. Demetrius knows who it should be but he's not yet ready to put the burden on that individual yet. He prefers to wait until she herself, says one day "I'm going to have to run things while you're in The Oval Office, aren't I?" and Demetrius can say "Yep!" It would be much better that way!
We are so glad to hear that the mayor of San Francisco has lost so much popularity, so many people in California have turned against him because of his support of homosexual marriage and his efforts to defeat the people's vote, that he has withdrawn from the governor's race. We consider this a major victory! And We hope more are coming. I still want my children's boycott and my march through San Francisco on Christmas Day! I still want to take this dark power head on. Some government officials have said that I cannot tell people they will not be able to enter my Kingdoms and will be destroyed forever if they support homosexual marriage. I want to stand on the steps of city hall in San Francisco and say "I will damn whoever I want to damn and The United States Government doesn't tell me I can't! I say who enters my Kingdoms not a bureaucrat!" Help me make it. Help me get there. Let's get the boycott going. Losing revenue is the only thing they'll listen to. Economic prosperity is all that matters to them. It's the greatest weapon We have!


He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever




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