To Kevin & Bean, KROQ, Los Angeles, CA
20-11-00 AJ

Well, things have not gone as well as we would've liked. We went to Workman's Comp yesterday and the lady there agreed with us that the behavior in the restaurant was totally inappropriate. She insisted I go for medical treatment. However, there was really nothing they could do. The doctor says the bleeding probably had nothing to do with the kick, that it was merely coincidence that it started the day after. Well, it's a hell of a coincidence, that the back will get better but the hernia definitely needs to be dealt with. Probably not enough to secure criminal charges. The local paper won't cover the story unless there are some. So we'd like to get them just for that.
God really wants to get to Los Angeles so bad! He had me write to Mrs. Schwarzenegger and tell her that He wishes we could use two trucks with me driving the one carrying our artifacts and clothes and stuff, and her husband, Arnold, driving the one with our furniture, with Mrs. Schwarzenegger riding with me and Linda riding with Mr. Schwarzenegger. This would be the best possible way to bring His power to California. I told Mrs. Schwarzenegger I knew this was impossible but my contract with God required that I send all his messages. Her husband would definitely not want to share a motel room with us.
When I got up this morning John Lennon was all excited! He said "Go online! Go to that Google map thing. You've got to see this! It's phenomenal. Everything you need is right around KROQ! It's just phenomenal! Everything's right in their power zones." He showed me the medical center down the street and we wondered if they did hernia operations and could reverse the vasectomy. I wish they weren't so persistant about that vasectomy! But the women in The Afterlife are still determined! I can barely function and they want me to hire surrogates and have children? Then, there's a self storage place right down the street from you where we could put our things for a while if need be, and the Seaway Motel where we could probably get lodgings while we were getting the medical needs taken care of. "And look at this!" John cried. "Go to Point View, right behind the station! There's a little house for sale. Probably too small for your needs, but it's there! Everything is right there, right in their power zones! If you could only get a little money!" "Yeah," I answered, "if we only could!" Sometimes the frustration is tremendous when everything is right there and we simply can't get to it.
It would probably be dangerous for me to have any surgery here in North Dakota. The power is simply gone. The attack on me destroyed all connection with the ladies at the restaurant. The bitterness against me there, now, is simply appalling! As we continue to attack it will get worse. Still wish we could find an attorney but we probably don't have enough for a lawsuit. What's frustrating is these people do these things and they know they can get away with it, that the public accepts their cruelty.
We are losing some of our major workers because they are disgusted about this. They have had so many betrayals themselves. Those who were supposed to be with them have turned away for materialism. We're not going to be able to make up the 40% in this generation and get the losses down to the normal 25% level. So many souls will die off in The Afterlife that they will no longer be able to push new souls back into the material world. The Circle Of Life will be broken, the earth will wither and die. The death will be slow and agonizing. People will kill and eat each other and everyone will cry "Why? Why? Why God, why?" and God will answer "Because you did not care."
God even wished we had the money to perhaps use only one truck, bring just the very necessary items to maintain our power, continue to pay the rent here, and then come back and get the rest of the stuff in a month or so. Still there would be the problem of a courier/protector. There are ways! But all of them take somethnig we don't have, financial resources.

Speaker Gerald A. Polley

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