19-01-00 AJ
An Open Letter From Caylee Anthony
To The King Of Saudi Arabia



Most Profound Greetings!



I have heard that you are giving a billion dollars to the people of Gaza to help them rebuild. I can't understand why you're doing this if Hamas is going to keep firing rockets and Israel will have to blow everything up again. I still think it would be far better that if you give a million dollars of that to Mr. Polley and then find the Islamic protector so he can travel, The American one would be nice, too, or, the Christian one. You would just be spending the money far better. Mr. Polley can get things done!
I have been writing people today seeking more soul fragments to help me. Mr. Torres, Mr. Polley's dearest friend, asked "Why can't people in The Afterlife give me soul fragments?" The answer is simple. It's impossible! Whenever people in The Afterlife try to do it the fragments evaporate before the person can absorb them. It simply doesn't work. You need a physical form to separate the fragment and give the person carrying it enough energy to get it to the person that needs it. And then you only have forty eight hours! But the process we are proposing would work if the people in Orlando would help. So if you would give them a little encouragement I would appreciate it! We don't know what's going to happen when we lose the power in Washington. It might not work after that. Mr. Polley helped a demon the other day and it was no effort at all! He can't understand why my soul has been so devastated. One of the other demons said "Well didn't Jesus say it best when He said "These things have been done to this one so those that help him may be glorified by God."" That would be good if that was so. That would make all the pain worth wile if I were suffering so others could be glorified by helping me. That would make it all worthwile.
I have to tell you again that helping Mr. Polley is the best thing you can do to help your own people! God tells him exactly what he wants, and he tells other people. He doesn't care if people like it, if it makes them angry at him, or not. He tells them just what God wants them to do! That is why God loves him. I told the lady in Orlando something very strange. People do not believe in Mr. Polley because he does not ask large sums of money to do what God asks him to. He only asks his travel expenses, food, and lodging, and whatever else is up to the people. He's not asking for the million dollars, I am, God is! I'm suggesting to you you could better spend your money and Mr. Polley will do all in his power to see that you profit from helping him, that you and your people will be enriched. It's just better for everybody!


A Once Loving Child Who Has Become A Creature Of The Night





Here is the latest message we have sent to The King Of Saudi Arabia on behalf of Caylee Anthony.



Greetings Your Majesty!



Below is a letter I sent to The Polley's dear friend Kevin. It speaks of the strange circumstances now occuring in Washington. It still would please God very much if The Saudi Arabian Government would provide a dwelling for Mr. Polley to use in Washington, and some funds to help him get by while doing God's work there. These people he opposes are just as dangerous to you as they are to Mr. Obana. They are responsible for the attacks on Islamic people throughout The United States. There is no way that they are your friends. They might dislike Jewish people but they dislike all nonChristians just as much. If you're not white and Christian, preferably Catholic, you're the enemy and you must be destroyed. So it would be very beneficial for your secret people to talk to Mr. Obama's secret people and suggest that they help Mr. Polley, because he is one of the greatest weapons they possess. I am quite sure you are well aware that Mr. Polley is real. You know full well what he can do, what those working for him can do. You know you should be obtaining the protector to work with him so The Islamic People will be shielded from the worst of his power. So that those that can be saved will be and none of them will be lost when Mr. Polley has to fight those that would destroy everyone. You know she is needed, and you know she would be treated with all dignity and respect and she would be rewarded beyond imagination. You know the truth of God. You know what God really wants. Shouldn't you do what He asks? I, of anyone, can tell you what happens when you don't keep God's rules. I can tell you how much it hurts, I can tell you it never stops hurting. Those that love you can make it better. They can make you feel good for a little while, but the hurt never stops, the pain never ends. I'm sure you don't want that for your people. I'm sure you want them to have every joy that God promises, every joy!


Caylee Anthony


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My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals
himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.
( Albert Einstein )


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