An Open Letter From Caylee Anthony
To The Editor Of The Orlando Sentinel



Most Profound Greetings!



Sorry to keep writing you when you have not yet replied. But every day something arises that we have to try to deal with. People in Florida are becoming aware The Polleys are taking care of me, and a tremendous amount of energy is rising. We are having a hard time controlling it and we hate for any of it to go to waste. God wants the psychics in Florida to concentrate on channeling this power to Mr. Polley. He wants you to put an article in your newspaper asking that every person that knows a psychic make them aware of what Mr. & Mrs. Polley are doing and ask them to help. This is what will happen.
Those who are true psychics and are of God will say "Most certainly! I feel these peoples' power. I know they are of God! I will begin fulfilling God's wishes immediately!"
Those who serve the creatures of Darkness but are real psychics will say "Well, yes, these people are real, but I don't think they should be doing this. They should not be interfering and let whatever fate this girl deserves happen to her.
Those who are complete frauds, that have no psychic power whatsoever, will say "Oh, no! These people aren't real! They deny that God loves homosexuals. They're evil! I won't help them!"
This will be a test for every psychic in Florida to show if they are real and rather or not they are with God. God controls every true psychic in the world, because even those that work for creatures of Darkness know The Polleys are real and will acknowledge them. Any that will not acknowledge them have no power. It is something the people of Florida have a right to know. They should put every so-called psychic to the test, and demand that they show where they stand. I ask the people of Florida to help me and to ask them, "If you are with God you will help Caylee. If you will not help her we will no longer have anything to do with you! For you are a waste of our time and money!"
If you could print this article it will help me tremendously.


A Once Loving Child Who Has Become A Creature Of The Night


23-01-00 AJ
An Open Letter From Caylee Anthony
To The King Of Saudi Arabia



Greetings Your Majesty!



There's something I've been forgetting to tell people. Something strange has been happening. It only happens when Mrs. Polley is taking a shower. It's never happened any other time. But a woman comes. Mr. Polley can feel her. One time he bumped into her when he was getting up from the computer, and he could tell very definitely it was a woman. She moans constantly and keeps whispering "Please! Don't hurt me, please! Please don't let her hurt me! Please!" Mr. Polley's not sure who it is. Maybe it's my mother, maybe it's somebody else. But it's really strange that she only comes while Mrs. is taking a shower. She's never tried to come into the bedroom. Maybe there's too much power there and it would hurt her. But she keeps coming into the livingroom. Mr. Polley says he's never quite experienced anything like it. But he says it's such a desperate little plea. Whoever it is is utterly terrified.
Now for what God wanted me to tell you today, and this is still so wondrous! God comes to me and tells me what He wants Mr. Polley to tell you and then I tell Mr. Polley, so it's not so hard on him. But it is what God wants. I'm just a buffer, I think that was the word they used, to make it easier for Mr. Polley to work. And I really enjoy that! It's going to be hard if I become his daughter and will have to stop. But maybe I'll be able to help him when I get older. Anyway, this is what God wants.
He wants you to send your ambassador to Mr. Obama with a message from you saying "If you make your army homosexual, if you will allow open homosexuals to serve, forty-eight hours after you do so all American troops will have to be out of Saudi Arabia. We will not have open homosexuals in Saudi Arabia! If one of them told one of our sons that homosexuality was acceptable, God would condemn us! And we will not have God angry with us! So if you accept homosexuality in your military your military will have to leave Saudi Arabia! There will be no negotiations, there will be no discussion! You will close every American base in Saudi Arabia and remove your people. We will not tolerate this sickness! Within four months you will have to have removed all of your equipment. This is an absolute! If you do this sick, perverted thing we can no longer associate with you. Better to stand alone than stand with those who would destroy our sons! You have been warned!" That's the message God would like to have you give Mr. Obama. That's what He asked me to say to you. Because I am a girl I hope you will not listen. I hope you will understand that God talks to girls just as much as he talks to boys. Of course God would like you to have all the other Islamic countries send their ambassadors to Mr. Obama with the same message. He would like to have the whole Arab world to stand as one on this issue. If they do He will reward them!


A Once Loving Child Who Has Become A Creature Of The Night





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