An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
27-2-00 AJ

I must say today I am disappointed. The people of Europe have again showed that murder is justified and that those that engage in torture and rape will not be punished. The underlings will be punished but the leaders that send them out won't be. This will create bitter feelings for many years between the Christian and the Islamic communities. I cannot agree with the decisions of The UN Court. My court, my justice will hold the one responsible for the atrocities that were committed, and when he enters into my jurisdiction he will be destroyed forever. This is a promise I make to The Islamic People. It is a promise I make to all peoples everywhere. Those who tell their people to kill, to butcher in the name of ethnic cleansing or any other form of racism will be destroyed, utterly and completely forever. No matter how justified they are, no matter how much power they think they had, no matter what dark voices they listened to they will be given no pardon, they will be given no mercy. Those who made their people hate will be destroyed. Those who told them to kill will die forever. Justice will be done! And for many of them their families will be destroyed with them, because as often the case they have taught their children their way and will lead them to their doom. The sins of the fathers are visited on the third and fourth generations because of the evil that they have put in their hearts.
The American Government cares nothing about its people. It is taking their homes away from them, sacrificing their prosperity to create a global marketplace that will never be able to function and will lead to chaos that will bring the ruin of many countries, if they survive at all. I continue to call for a moratorium on all foreclosures and to even have properties that have already been seized returned to their original owners. I am calling for no interest loans to help those who have lost all hope keep their property and find ways of reestablishing their financial security. Jobs must be brought back to The United States and unfair competition must be ended. This is what I proposed before the election, and it is what I still support now.
Obama is making the same mistake that The King Of France made before the Revolution. He is trying to support the rich and the nobles, ignoring the poor, considering them expendable. This is not acceptable. It is creating the rise of hate groups that are turning one people against another and could very well tear The United States apart. The only way to stability is to help the people, not the bank presidents, not the company managers, the people. It is the only solution to the current difficulties. And I ask the press of the world to make my feelings known.
We are receiving obnoxious emails from who thinks he is better than God's messenger, better than the one I am giving the truth. He says Speaker Polley should be institutionalized. It is him that will someday be institutionalized, if there are any institutions left to take him. As the world returns to reason, as the world returns to sanity he will not be able to stand it. When he will no longer be able to spread his sickness it will drive him mad, and he will become so uncontrollable that he will have to be locked away somewhere. The irrational cannot deal with rationality. They will faulter, they will crumble, they will scream that they want the public to accept them again, but the public will turn on them. I tell you this will happen because it has to happen. If it does not happen my children are doomed. So it has to happen. It's a prophecy that must be fulfilled because the alternative is a wasteland, an empty Earth, a desolate place. Many are saying our Cause is hopeless, that no one hears me any more. That those who speak the truth are ridiculed and insulted and only those that speak the lies are popular. I believe they are wrong. I believe there are still those who listen to The Light, that listen to reason, that those that hate are a minority.
It angers me when it is said I hate because I do not accept homosexuality, that I must allow all my children to fulfill their desires, even if they are not what I intended. They say because my messengers do not speak these words they are false and are not truly of me. How twisted the derranged mind becomes! Good becomes evil, evil becomes good. Those expressing good must be hated, those expressing hate must be accepted. The twisted nature of the derranged mind! Righteous rejection of evil is not hate. Hate is blaming everyone else for your problems and not standing up for what is right. Every American worker whose job has been taken by an illegal alien who is working for less than half of what the American needs just to live on has every right to be angry. But he should not hate those desperate people that are trying to survive themselves. He should pity them even though he has to resist them. What that American worker should do is point his finger at the politicians who are allowing the corruption, who are allowing the managers to hire the illegal aliens and say "Stop it now! If you don't we'll put you out of office!" And if they don't, do it. And put in people that will deal with the problem. The corrupt politicians are the ones that need to be despised, not the desperate people trying to feed their children. We must focus on our true enemies around the world.

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We have not for some time, mentioned our support of public television and radio. But in these hard economic times they should not be forgotten. More often than not the people with just causes that do not have an opportunity to be heard anywhere else are heard on the public services. Without them some would have no voice at all. So they are well worth the support they are given!

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