Those that cling to false teachings are destroying themselves and all their congregations. There are those that believe in unconditional forgiveness, that no matter what a person does because of the blood of Christ they will be forgiven and have eternal life. They must be made to understand that this is not so, there are unforgivable sins, crimes that cannot be reconciled that lead only to eternal death no matter how many times they go to confession, no matter how they pray. Rejecting me and destroying their people is one of those crimes. So I ask people not to reject me. If you do not like this message simply do not respond, destroy yourself and your people, but do not attack my servant. Do not call him a liar, do not call him insane, for if you do that I will have to act, I have no choice. I cannot support those that defy me.
I wish to make a good comment today, however. I am very grateful to the media for exposing the bonuses that AIG is paying to its executives. Their arrogance and their greed is unacceptable! I wanted the world to know that Obama's economic plan was only helping the rich and not the poor. And the media has done an excellent job of exposing this evil! I wish they would join us in other things. But this effort has been excellent, and We wish more. Every company that uses the bailout funds to reward their executives must be exposed, and that money returned. Even if these contracts were made years ago the current economic situation makes them invalid and they should have been canceled. AIG's excuses are totally unacceptable. Their CEO should be dismissed immediately!
I would also like to have the pastors of all churches I have contacted send a message Don Imus. I have heard that he has prostate cancer. This is the work of the creatures of Darkness, not myself. Mr. Imus does a most excellent job of exposing corruption. Though I wish I could get him to work directly with Our Beloved Demetrius, and support him I still wish him the best. And my power will be going out against the disease that is effecting him. We need those who are fighiting for the people. We are losing too many of them and no one will replace them. A Supreme Court Justice recently said the American people will no longer sacrifice. No truer words have ever been spoken! I will warn the world right now, that if it is within Our power We will make this recession a depression that will effect the entire world, and We will try to make it last five to six years. But any time We begin to get cooperation from the Obama administration the talk of ending "don't ask don't tell" stops, and they start supporting our efforts against homosexual marriage and homosexuality in general, We will cease Our attacks on the economy. But until We get such cooperation We will not! And there is absolutely nothing that the Democrats can do to curtail Our efforts other than cooperate with Us.
Again I ask every pastor that receives Our message in California to realize how important the need for them to rally to Us is, and for them to publicly announce that they invite me to come and speak in their temple using Speaker Gerald A. Polley's body and that they ask Governor Schwarzenegger to make my visit possible, that their ladies send him the post cards my Consort requests. This is a time of boldness, this is a time when the truth must prevail, and every man and woman be made to understand what their rebellion is doing, what their refusal to accept truth is doing. If we work together no evil can stop Us! If my power is requested nothing can stand against it. The truth will prevail! All the people of California have to do is ask for it, request it and have their leader request it, and then we can rock the world! Nothing would be able to stop Us!

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


Don't Understand The System

We're constantly asked "What would the people of The Old Worlds do in a fianancial crisis like this? How did They handle them?" Well, We can't answer that question because They didn't have crisises that the Earth is plagued with, where the economy has these violent ups and downs. It just didn't exist. On none of the worlds did executives get the incredible salaries that they get on Earth! It just would not have happened! Such greed would be totally unacceptable! People became millionairs and even billionairs by inventing products and running companies, and by taking a fair share of the profits. But no one working for a company would receive the salaries that the executives on Earth receive! It would've just been unthinkable, because the people on The Old Worlds would say "An executive that can't live on a million dollars a year has no business running a company, as he has no financial sense!" They would simply not understand the human system. As none of Us can understand futures tradings or, the stock market, as We had nothing like this chaos! And to Us the whole systems make no sense. They only seem to be a means of the rich getting richer at the expense of the poor, and We wonder why its allowed. But We have a hard time with these economic situations because We simply don't understand why things are so unstable on Earth. Greed seems to run everything, and everybody wants to enrich themselves at the expense of others. It just makes no sense to Us! It's simply not the way We did this, or the way We would do things!


Energy and persistence conquer all things. ( Benjamin Franklin )

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