
Below is the letter I have sent to Governor Schwarzenegger in California. Though it is imperative that we win the battle there, it is my eventual goal to raise a spiritual force and bring them to Washington, DC where we can confront Obama and his minions head on. At the end of these comments is a link describing that force. I would appreciate it very much, and I will give any congregation that helps me many blessings, if the pastors of your church would send an email to Mrs. Schwarzenegger asking her to fulfill my wishes and be a temporary mediator between me and Mrs. Obama for the sake of her daughters who should not be dragged down into their father's folly. I ask you to help me protect the innocent. We are having a great deal of trouble reaching the Washington media. Many have blocked us out of their emails. If you could make sure the local talk show hosts get a copy of this decree again I will bless you and reward you.

God The Father

An Open Letter From God The Father
To Arnold Schwarzenegger, Governor Of California
18-03-00 AJ

Below is my official decree ending forever my relationship with Mr. Obama. His supporting of The UN's efforts to sodomize the children of the world has ended all support I can give him. I have struck his name from The Book Of Life and have asked my beloved Demetrius to if at all possible, reach him and change his ways and give him eternal life through the good graces of his people who care for those who have been cast out of Heaven and can never return. I doubt if he will do so. He will destroy himself forever before he will return to righteousness. But I ask you to help me keep him from destroying the sons of The United States in the process. Demetrius cannot speak to him, he cannot associate with him. He cannot associate with any member of the Obama administration or any member of his family. We need a mediator. We need a go between.
I wish to speak to Mrs. Obama and request of her that she leave The White House, that she take her daughters and come out of that place, and denounce her husband's sodomization of my sons, to refuse to take part in his sin, not joining in the destruction of my children. If your wife was to become a temporary courier/protector for two weeks so I can come to California she would be able to be a go between, to converse with Mrs. Obama and try to make her undrstand what her husband has done and perhaps win a place for her in my Kingdom if she will turn from her husband's evil. Therefore, I beg of you again to invite me to California. I ask you in all sincerity to help me raise the power to stop this abomination.
I have written again to Laura Bush and asked her and her husband to join my efforts to save my children. You are one of my most powerful sons. I have given you great political power. I ask you to use it in my service. I am asking churches throughout California to invite me to speak to them and empower them while I visit. I can give you a list of those I'm trying to reach. If you could encourage them to join our effort we would have an opportunity, we would have a chance. We will continue to fight until The Secret Service arrests Speaker Polley and imprisons him. We will continue to speak the truth. I ask you to speak it with me. You are my power and my glory! You are my strength! The world will know that I called to you in these desperate hours and they will know rather or not you answer. I ask you to answer before all is lost, before they are knocking on the doors of peoples' homes and saying "Your son is twelve years old, it's time for him to go to his sexual education. There's a man waiting to educate him. It's the law! He has to go!" Do not think that in time this will not happen. This is their purpose, this is their plan, to make it so every young man in the world is available to them. You must not let it happen! You must stand against it! Again I repeat, you are my power and glory in California, you are the strength I need to win there! I ask you to answer! I ask you to say "Father, I am here, I am yours, come and strengthen me. Let us win together!" Help me raise the force I need to go to Washington and confront Obama head on, confront his minions head on. Battle them on their own ground. Tell them to their faces they will not gain earthly power by destroying my sons by making them playthings for their lust! Help us win in California, and help us go to Washington! You can do it! You have the strength. Rally the anti gay forces to us and drive the creatures of Darkness from your state. If you do you will be glorified forever, whole worlds will be named after you. Christianity will praise you forever. If you stand beside my beloved Demetrius you will be the equivalent of Peter who was Jesus' Rock, His Foundation. You will be known as that greatness.
I beg of you not to forsake me, but to join me and call me to you! I beg of you to ask your wife to begin her service by sending a copy of this email to Mrs. Obama and to beg of her to leave The White House, to forsake this sin. It has gone too far. The Democrats are out of control! They will do anything for power. They think the homosexuals are their key to success, are their key to domination. We must prove them wrong, we must break their power! We prove their evil every day, we expose more and more, but still the people support them. We must wake them up, we must show them what they are doing before it is too late.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

( See Page 25 )

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