Greetings To The Media Of The World!

I continue to reach out in this great struggle to save my children. My latest correspondence is to the governor of Texas in The United States. But I continue to ask the media of the world for their support. I am being denied in The United States. The government is saying I cannot speak, I cannot teach, I cannot warn my children of their fate. I ask every nation to rally to me. I ask every people to hear the cries of their mothers who are watching their children die forever and wondering why no one will help. I am asking The Islamic World through The King Of Saudi Arabia for their support. I email him almost daily. I ask all The Islamic World to beg of him to reply, to do my will. Islam is at this moment, the most powerful force for good in the world. They have an opportunity to make every other religion among mankind indebted to them forever. Christianity is faltering. It's leaders are giving into sin, accepting evil. They must be brought back to my service! Only The Islamic People can now save the world by rallying to my cause and supplying what is needed to save their Christian brothers and sisters. The Darkness can be defeated, The Light can shine forever if there are those that will take it and bring it into the world. I ask The Hindu People as well to join my efforts, to add their power to The Islamic People and to restore the world. Be my glorification, be my strength! Drive away the shadows and give your children my glory!

God The Father

An Open Letter From God The Father
To Governor Rick Perry Of Texas
Sent Through His Web Site, The Legislators Of Texas, And Its Churches
24-03-00 AJ

Most Profound Greetings!

Here is a link to a message that I have sent to the governor of Oregon. In it I mention that I am trying to arrange for Governor Schwarzenegger of California to invite me to make a personal visit to that state using the physical form of my friend and servant Speaker Gerald A. Polley, of Bismarck, ND, and join me in an anti gay march, which has also become an anti drug march through San Francisco, to directly challenge the evil that has infested that city and threatens to destroy my children.

( See Page 32 For Letter )

I have emailed this message everywhere. The only response I've gotten was an obnoxious note from Obama's anti drug task force saying the secret service was right, I should be arrested and not allowed to speak. This is the attitude of those now ruling The United States, that The Lord Of Hosts should not be permitted to warn people of their fate if they continue to do evil. I am writing you to request your assistance. I would appreciate it very much if you would contact Governor Schwarzenegger and ask him to fulfill my wishes, and then I would appreciate it if you would publicaly extend an invitation to me that after I visit California to drop by Texas and speak to a joint session of your legislature on the many issues facing your state, such as illegal immigration and the drug problems from Mexico.
I will mention just one of the ideas I have on these issues. I believe Mexico should be required to establish a fifty mile exclusion zone along its border with The United States allowing only registered residents to be in that zone, allowing no individuals from South American countries or Mexican citizens outside of the area to be in that zone. This would be a tremendous assistance in cutting down on the traffic of illegals coming across the border. Mexico does not want to take action against its people. They have to cooperate and assist us in this situation. If they will not then it may come to the point that we have to close the Mexican border completely, allow no traffic into The United States, whatsoever, until such time as the Mexican people can deal with their problems.
I would like to discuss many of these issues with you, personally, using the physical form of my devoted friend, Speaker Gerald Polley, who I recognize as my only true voice on Earth at this time. I will also be asking churches in your state to come and speak in their temples and to empower their people against the homosexuals and the drug addicts by sending them a copy of this letter with this request that they invite me to speak to their congregations if I get an opportunity to visit. There is a group in your state I would especially like to contact, The Mormons who recently had their children taken away. Though I am not on very good terms with their leader there is one among them I could glorify and give an opportunity to have a world to rule over in the stars. If you could possibly let them know that I am trying to reach their elders, and to get in touch with me, I would appreciate it. It would be to the glorification of Texas.
There is one other matter. One of my greatest sorrows is that former First Lady Laura Bush deserted me and would not fulfill the mission that she came into the world to do. I have asked my servant Demetrius to run for the presidency in 2,012, and I again ask her to be his vice presidential candidate because only she has the power to raise the women of America and, to win the equality of women throughout the world. If you could speak with her and ask her to join my cause, and tell her that the people of Texas will support her all the way, and that after she has been vice president for eight years they will support her bid for the Presidency, I would be most delighted.

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When we do the best that we can, we never know what miracle is wrought in our life, or in the life of another. ( Helen Keller )

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