Again I will recap. I would appreciate it very much if you would contact Gov. Schwarzenegger and ask him to invite me to California and join me in a march through San Francisco against the homosexuals and against marijuana. I ask the women of Texas to send Mr. Schwarzenegger post cards with the same request. Then I wish you to extend me an invitation to visit Texas if the trip to California becomes possible, to invite me to speak before your legislature on the matter of homosexual marriage and the legalization of marijuana, also encourage as many churches in Texas as possible to ask me to speak before them and give them my power to fight against these evils. If you were able to do these things I would be absolutely delighted! And I assure you my blessings would pour out to Texas. We have power like We have never had before, We can do things that were unheard of a few years ago. But We are impotent because Our people will not accept Our power and will not use it. We are blocked out of the media because it is controlled by the homosexuals. None dare join us for fear of the media attacking. Government agencies threaten my right to speak, threaten my servants for speaking my truths. The religious are being blocked out, while the nonbelievers are given free run. This must end! I ask the people of Texas to be the first to rise against this evil, and to join my battle.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now And, Forever


Greetings Kevin & Alex!
24-03-00 AJ

Here's the latest we are sending out, a request to the governor of Texas to invite me to visit after my trip to California and Oregon. We sent a copy to Maria Shriver asking her to contact First Lady Laura Bush and ask her if after she has been vice president for eight years and becomes President can she be her secretary of state? I am planning ahead! I believe in eventual victory. I've also again asked The King Of Saudi Arabia for a million dollar loan for twenty years at no interest to fund our work. So after Demetrius visits California he can go directly to Washington. I also asked the King to loan us a truck so Demetrius can bring all of his belongings, all the artifacts that are storing my power and maybe distribute some of them as we go. We cannot even begin to describe the amount of things we have! And many of them carry my power, and will for untold ages. Demetrius' art work alone, especially the pieces that Jesus did while using his body should be worth millions! The power that that vehicle would be holding that needs to be spread out to the world! Simple pieces of paper that would energize an entire city with my glory that someday people will take to the stars. The people of California should know what is offered to them for their support for helping me, what we could bring to distribute. Maybe you should let them know! Maybe it would be enough to make somebody in California be willing to loan us a truck for a few months. Perhaps it would want to make the people of California be the ones to loan that million dollars. There are people that could do that without even thinking about it. That even in these troubled times have so much they don't know what to do with it. It's too bad we couldn't reach one of them and glorify them forever.

God The Father


God Is God

We continue to get the comment "Don't you consider nonbelievers have a right to speak, to express their feelings? Should only believers be allowed to speak?" Of course nonbelievers have every right to speak! We would never take away their right to speak except maybe those that teach violence. We are very much against that. We don't care if some people might say 'You can never convince me there is a God. I'll never believe. I won't let belief in God run my whole life!' If a person wants to believe this that's their right. As long as he doesn't tell other people "You can't say there's a God! I won't hear it! I don't want my kids to hear it!" Now, as Spiritists we don't actually believe in a God, we believe in Infinite Law but we do believe in guardian spirits and that every world has a spiritual Father that evolved along with it. We know this world has one, because we've worked with Him for untold ages! We know He's there! Now, if people want to call Him God that's fine with us. We can work just as well with him if He's called God, or, The Holy Spirit, doesn't bother us at all as long as someone who belongs to another religion doesn't say "Well you have to call Him God The Creator, and that's it! If you call Him anything else like God The Father we won't allow it!" Those people would have a serious problem. Because we wouldn't get along with them! God is a spirit. He is the Spirit of this world. He is the power of this world. He has guided and protected mankind since the beginning of ages. We get along with Him just fine! Now, if others don't want to believe that's up to them, but they better not try to tell us we can't believe, and we can't follow His truths. They'd better never try to do that!


The other day I overheard a conversation. Two women were talking in the grocery store. One of them said to the other "My daughter doesn't like the old marriage vows that say "For richer or poorer." She says if her future husband can't provide what she needs she'll leave him." The woman was saying "perhaps they ought to change that to something more reasonable." No wonder this country's got so many problems! No wonder so many marriages fail!

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