To The Media Of The World

We will be sending this to other Islamic embassies besides The Saudis' asking them to have their own communications ministers ask their media to spread the message. I cannot tell you how much I would like to physically get my hands on these clerics and try to beat some sense into them! That any men believe such nonsense and continue to teach it is beyond my understanding! Many of them know the truth, know where it came from. But their jealousy of women and their greed for dominance is so great they continue to perpetuate the falsity. I ask the media of the world to declare my anger against these teachings, and, my desire that they end, that the persecution of my daughters stop because if it doesn't sooner or later I will stop it and those causing it will wish they'd never been born! That is a promise, that is a prophecy directly from God! Those who stand with me now will be blessed. Those who say "End this! It's shameful and unacceptable!" will be glorified. Those that say "Keep our traditions! Keep our women in their place!" will be destroyed forever, I promise it! So it's much better to be with me than against me!

God The Father

An Open Letter From God The Father
To Abdel Aziz Khoja, Minister Of Information, Saudi Arabia
25-03-00 AJ

You do not know how much I wish to take the 35 clerics that ask you to continue the persecution of my daughters by not allowing them to be on television or in magazines or newspapers out, hang them up in public naked, and flog their dispisable male butts, give them at least ten good whacks for continuing to perpetuate these false teachings that women should be covered up and hidden away, that they are things of shame. This absolutely enrages me! I wish to tell you where these false teachings came from, so that you may tell The Islamic People and help me bring them to an end, because I am tired of the persecution of my daughters and the denial of the perfection of my creation.
The moment creatures of Darkness begin to take over a religious movement they desire to separate the males and the females. Because they know that when males and the females are together they have four times the power than when they're alone. Groups of men and groups of women alone cannot generate this extra power. It is ony when male and female are together that they are able to do so. The creatures of Darkness fear this power. For it makes it much harder for them to deceive the people when male and female are together. So almost immediately they begin to work on the male ego and convince them that women are inferioir and should be kept away from them, that they should only keep company with men, and be with women only for the necessity of creating children. This is one of the foulest deceptions that the creatures of Darkness practice, and all religious people should be aware of it, and, be afraid of it. For by using it the creatures of Darkness do more damage than in any other way. Men and women should be together in all places. They should not separate themselves from each other, they should be mixed among each other. This makes it much harder for the creatures of Darkness to get control of them, have dominance over them. So the practices of separation should be discouraged and male and female should be together from their youth, and learn to cooperate and work with one another.
A man should never be ashamed of the feelings that he has for a woman! Those are the feelings that he is supposed to have. They are the feelings that I gave him. Men are supposed to desire women. When they cannot control that desire they should not blame the women, but blame themselves, and not insist that the women be hidden away so they won't be tempted.
There is a second reason that The Islamic People have been taught to cover their women and hide them away. In the beginning of Islam a false believer took it over, a thief and a murderer, one of the foulest creatures that ever lived among mankind. He became extremely desirous of another man's wife and stole her. So her husband wouldn't be able to find her he made all the women in his family cover themselves from head to foot so no one could tell which ones they were, saying that women should not be viewed because they were shameful, when the truth of the matter was he was hiding what he had stolen. My friend Demetrius eventually helped the woman slay this foul creature, escape from his family, and be reunited with her husband. But the man's family, not wanting the people to know that he was a false believer and had done evil things, insisted that his teaching continue, and women cover themselves. This false teaching slowly spread through all of Islam because other men desired to hide what they had unjustly taken. So the tradition of covering women was started by a thief and a murderer, and the continuation of it does not honor me but shames the people, because they are still following a false practice started by a false believer.
There is another reason why this false teaching continued to spread and became so popular. Another false believer took over Islam who hated women, was insanely jealous of them because he wanted the men around him to desire him sexually and not women. So he insisted that women cover themselves in his presence so he and his companions would not have to look upon them. And he kept women segregated away from his male companions, so when they had desires they were directed to him, not to the women. Again, a non believer, a false believer lost in his own lust for evil, degraded and insulted the women of Islam. And The People Of Islam have continued to follow his practices, to make it easier for men that desire this filth to attract companions, because women are kept away from them.

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