An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Vermont Legislature, Sent To Their Governor,
Who I Ask To Read It Before Their Legislature
26-03-00 AJ

I applaud your governor's statement that he will veto any legislation granting homosexuals and lesbians the same rights as married couples. I still have grievances with him because he supports civil union, which is just another name for marriage, which I intend to have removed from every state, have every state declare that homosexuality is an insanity not a right, but a sickness, and public acceptance of it is banned.
I must tell you that I must take action against those representatives of the Vermont people that vote in favor of this legislation. I will tell you clearly and distinctly what I will do to every single person that votes for gay marriage, without question. I will strike their names from The Book Of Life, ending their relationship with me forever. I will strike the names of their wives and their children from The Book Of Life because they support their abomination. Because I strike your names from The Book Of Life you will most likely face eternal death. When your physical existence ends your immortal existence will end also. You will cease to exist forever. I have warned people for untold ages that the wages of sin is death eternal, and I will continue to warn them, though The Secret Service has threatened to arrest my servant and imprison him if I speak through him and tell people that they are doomed because they betray me, I love my children. And I will do all in my power to save them from eternal death! So I will continue to speak out, and i will continue to tell them of their impending doom if they do not obey me.
However, I am a loving, merciful God. I am your spiritual Father, and I do love you. Therefore, I will give the wives and children of those I doom a chance for eternal life. If the wives of these individuals leave their husbands and tell them clearly and distinctly "You are engaging in sodomy. You are destroying young men and young women. You know this is against God's way. You are only doing it to be popular. I cannot live in an unGodly house, I cannot live with an unGodly man that would have sexual relationships with another man. Therefore I am leaving because God has instructed me to leave. But if you will return to manliness, if you will return to the way of God, I can return. If you announce publicly that you are ending your support of homosexual marriage, and of homosexuality, altogether, I will return to you and continue to fulfill my duties as wife with love and joy. But I cannot stay with someone who is not a man, who has become a creature of Darkness. If The Light returns to you, I will return to you." And I desire the children of those that support homosexuality, who would engage in sodomy, to say this to their parents. "I cannot live in an unGodly house, I cannot live with unGodly people. If my parents engage in this sin, God has forbidden me to be here and I must depart. If you return to God's way, if you praise His perfection, I will return. But until you do so I will be apart from you, for I cannot partake of your sin!" If the children of those promoting sodomy rise up and say "No! I will not be a part of this!" I will not consider them a part of their parents' sin and strike their names from The Book Of Life. But all who say "I can't object, this is my father. I must respect him!" will lose their eternal life. For though I have told children to honor their parents, they cannot honor evil. And if their parents have become evil they must oppose that evil, for they will actually be saving their parents by defying them, and that is what they should do.
If by chance the legislator is a woman, I order her husband to put her out of his home until such time as she turns from this evil and returns to the natural ways of women. It is the only way the husband can protect his soul, and the souls of his children. For if he partakes of her sin, supports her, he, too, will be destroyed.
I tell you clearly and distinctly, without doubt, any man that supports homosexual marriage, supports homosexuality, is a homosexual, will take part in homosexual relationships if he has an opportunity, no matter how much he might deny it. Any woman that supports lesbian relationships is a lesbian, and will engage in this sin if she has the opportunity. There is no middle ground. No one can say "I support homosexual marriage but I'm not a homosexual!" Anyone that supports homosexuality IS a homosexual. That's it! There is nothing else. Any woman that supports lesbianism IS a lesbian. There is nothing else. There is no other possibility. They would not support these things if they did not do them. This is an unquestioned fact. They might not do them physically but they do them in their mind. And by supporting it they are trying to make their mental desires come true. This must stop!
I have been asking Governor Schwarzenegger of California to invite me to California, have his wife assist my servant so I can come and raise the funds for the trip. When I come to California I wish to lead an anti gay march, which has also become an anti marijuana march, through San Francisco. I now ask your Governor to contact Governor Schwarzenegger and ask him to fulfill my wishes, and to state that if he does so and this march is arranged, he will join him, and bring a delegation of anti gay groups from Vermont to take part. I have also written to Oregon, and, Texas asking them to join in this effort. I now ask every woman in Vermont to send a post card to Governor Schwarzenegger simply saying "Please invite God to California." I wish Governor Schwarzenegger to receive post cards from all over the country encouraging him to fulfill my wishes. I do not wish to take this action against the people of Vermont, against their legislators. But I will if I have to because I must defend my children, I must end this sickness.


Honesty is the first chapter of the book of wisdom.
( Thomas Jefferson )

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