We desire so much to fulfill this lost child's last wish. I ask you personally, to contact any friends you have in the media and ask them to make sure that Caylee's mother has seen this video and that she understands that if she does not do what her daughter asks, when she leaves this world she will be destroyed forever. Others have taken her daughter's place and will fulfill her wishes. All Caylee was asking for was the truth so she could be at peace. We want to fulfill her wish. I would like to see hundreds of thousands of visits to that video. I ask you to watch it, I ask you to ask all the people of California to watch it, to understand the message that's being sent. Though this child was grievously hurt she still desired that her mother not be destroyed forever, that she have eternal life. Love such as this should not be lost, should not be abandoned. I want so much for her desires to be fulfilled so I may greet her mother and say "Daughter, you made a mistake, you did a terrible thing, but you spent the rest of your life undoing that. Welcome!" You do not know how much I desire to say those words. But unless this woman receives Caylee's message and does what she asks, I will never have the opportunity. You can make a difference! You can save a soul! I ask you to do so.
Speaking of Texas I must say what happened between Officer Powell in Plano, Texas, and Ryan Moats was regrettable, but I do not feel Officer Powell should be punished. We must understand the false stories that police officers are told every day, the excuses that people come up with for violating the law. No matter what the circumstances, Ryan Moats had committed a violation. The grief of the family can be understood, but that gives them no excuse to violate the law. Ryan Moats should have calmly provided the officer the information that he required so that he could have been given a citation and gone on to be with his mother-in-law. It is a police officer's duty to issue citations when individuals violate approved regulations. There was misunderstanding all around. And no matter how much people don't understand the situation a police officer should not be punished for performing his responsibilities. I know the circumstances are difficult, but I believe Officer Powell should be returned to his duties and that Ryan Moats should issue an apology understanding that he was performing his duties, that he had committed an offense. The situation needs to be understood. Sometimes everybody can be right and everybody can be wrong. Despite everything an honorable man would admit his mistake and make apology. This is my way. Some people might not like it, that I side with this officer, but I must do what is right! I wish very much that you would make my feelings known on this matter.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All Now, And, Forever


Greetings Kevin & Alex!
27-03-00 AJ

Lots of importance today! Still trying to get Mrs. Schwarzenegger to serve as a temporary courier/protector, and have her husband invite me to California. Also, mentioned our desire to fulfill Caylee Anthony's last wish and save her mother. Besides all this, I had to mention what happened between the police officer and Ryan Moats. We are struggling every day, trying to bring Our people back before it is too late. I so want this trip to California! I so want to demonstrate Our power and lead this march through San Francisco! I know we are opposing two very popular public desires, the approval of homosexuality and the acceptance of marijuana. But these are things that cannot be tolerated! For the sake of my children they must be stopped. I am sure both of you realize this, and no matter how popular these things are, you know I must forbid their public acceptance before all my children are destroyed. I have offered the owners of your station a reward if they will back our efforts. Kevin already has a promise of territory. But now I make an additional offer. If you can get the governor to invite me to California, if you can get his wife to be a temporary courier/protector, I will ask her to give each employee at KROQ a deed to ten square miles of land on the world that will be given to the people of California. This is not an empty promise. I can fulfill it. If we win the cooperation of these people my children will go to the stars. They will have these new homes because it is the reward i have arranged for them. My promises are forever. If you can start talking about my desires to come to California, to have the governor invite me, to have the women of California to send him post cards asking him to invite me, and encourage his wife to be a temporary courier/protector and then support Demetrius' bid for The Presidency, you will receive this reward. There is no question of it, there is no doubt of it. I have said you will, and you will! Your descendants, members of your family, will be able to present these deeds and claim this land. If the human race survives it will happen! We will put this letter in our magazine so the whole world will know that I made you this offer, and in the future many may wonder why you refused.

God The Father



Again and again we get complaints from people that we must not say all homosexuals are sodomizing children. Well, it's a simple fact. If you're telling children to commit sexual acts with members of their own gender you're sodomizing them. If you're telling them that you're doing it is acceptable you're teaching them to do it, and that isn't acceptable! People scream and holler but the truth is the truth, and when you're sodomizing children you're sodomizing them!

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