An Open Letter From God The Father
To Female Councilmembers Of Cities Throughout California
29-03-00 AJ

I am writing to you ladies especially because I have set a tentative date when I would like to march through San Francisco, April 17th. Today I have written to The King Of Saudi Arabia and The Pope especially asking The King not to meet with Mr. Obama, and explaining why. But I have also asked them to announce that they wish to take part in the march through San Francisco and request an invitation from Governor Schwarzenegger. Here is the link to that message.

( See page 48 )

I am asking the good women of California to email The King and The Pope and to ask them to fulfill my wishes, to come to California and help me fight this evil that will destroy their children, before the leaders of The UN will be demanding their sons and daughters.
People complain that I am spreading fear, making false claims, that homosexuals will never do these things. But I tell you this is prophecy. If you do not stop them they will. They will come for your sons and demand that they be given to men so they can be educated sexually. This is their goal. This is the direction in which all they are doing is headed. They will deny it bitterly but it is the truth. Their purpose is to sodomize the world and it must be stopped!
I ask every mother in California to send a post card to their governor asking him to invite me to California using the physical form of my good friend and servant Speaker Gerald A. Polley, that I may challenge this evil head on with my full power and glory. The American government says I may not threaten politicians, that I may not tell them what they're doing is wrong and they may be punished for it. They say this is threatening and they will not allow it. The women of America must cry out and say "No! You will not silence God! You will not take away our Light! We won't let you!" I beg of you to do so.
Someone has asked why do I need a physical form? I answer "Why did I need Jesus? Why did I need Moses? Why did I need Father Abraham? Why did I need The Prophets? There are times I must bring my power into the material world and I must use a physical person to do it. What I have done before is no different from what I am doing now, and those that say I don't do these things are fools, and speak blasphemy! Here are the links where you can reach The Pope and The King. I beg of you, for the sake of your children, to ask them to follow my wishes and for you to write and call your governor. I am calling on the power of women, I am calling on their glory. I am calling on their motherhood to save their children. Give me the strength to fight your enemies and I will crush them!

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


Marches On The Old Worlds

Here's a good question as we contemplate this march through San Francisco. Were there ever demonstrations like this on The Old Worlds? Did the people ever rise up and take things into their own hands when the politicians began to falter? Well of course on Haven nothing like this was remotely possible. The only public demonstrations there were riots, and they were often bloody and brutal, put down with overwhelming force. A peaceful protest march would've been unthinkable. The people just did not express any disapproval of their government. It simply wasn't done!
Now, Peepi, They were known from time to time, to get up and get defiant, and have some damned good demonstrations, usually peaceful because most of the time if it got to the point that the people felt they had to get to the streets and complain, there was something seriously wrong that the leaders figured they'd better do something about it.
Hades, the political system there was so good that it was very rare that the people felt they had to protest. They could make their feelings known through the press and through the normal political procedure public demonstrations were simply not necessary. Oh, there were political rallies and such, and sometimes somebody with an opposing view would present themselves. But it would usually create a public discussion, not a public disturbance. The Hashons just managed to do things far differently than anybody else. How they managed it sometimes is still a mystery!


Purist Riots

What would cause such a stable race as the Havens to have riots? Well, in the later ages it was almost always one thing. After The Havens conquered The Hashons, Hashons were brought there as slaves. Slowly they won a little bit of rights. Eventually the laws banning intermarriage were lifted. A group called The Purists arose who were against Havens and Hashons marrying. They did not want The Haven Race defiled, as they called it. Often discourse broke out between them and the people that wanted to absorb The Hashons into Haven society. These confrontations were often brutal and bloody. Unfortunately The Purists' attitudes were passed on to the human race and we still have troubles with people like them today. We believe it is a gene inherited from their Haven ancestors. But that's what caused most of the trouble on Haven.

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