you have such theories, doctor, kindly keep them to yourself! I ask the board of directors of The Grand Army of the Republic Civil War Museum in Philadelphia to deny your request and to forbid you to ever enter their museum again or to present any other petitions to them for such abominating requests. You are a sick individual, doctor! And I have no respect for you, whatsoever! Stay out of my business, stay out of my life! Stay out of my memory! Just as people today do not want facts of their medical condition known to the world, neither do I. I warn you, doctor, if you persist in this, if you succeed in this, you will go to hell, you will be destroyed forever! I will insist on it!

A Servant Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever, And A Resident Of His Kingdoms

Channeled Through Internationally Known Psychic Speaker Gerald A. Polley
A True Servant Of God
At The Embassy Of The Kingdoms Of God And The Grand Alliance
1013 1/2 N 3rd, St., Bismarck, ND 58501

FOOTNOTE: To the trustees of The Grand Army Of The Republic. I know this is a difficult request but I wish very much that you would treat this artifact in some way chemically at my bequest to destroy the DNA contained in it so if the doctor should in the future, get consent from uncaring men to do this atrocity he would not be able to get the information that he desires. I would be very much appreciative of this.

A. Lincoln

This poor man has no idea what he's doing! No one wants to mess with President Lincoln! He is one of my most powerful workers, and when he becomes irate his power is akin to Demetrius'. He is really someone you do not want to upset!
Elgard is back. It appears We went after the wrong target! We're kind of looking for female demons right now that are interfering with Our Work, so when we saw the article about the female rabbi in California We thought this was what Elgard was commenting about. But it was actually that an openly gay rabbi was the head of another organization, as well, Allen Bennett, so Elgard asked that We include him in the Decree. Well, let's go another route on that and give him a Decree all his own, as soon as we can have time to put it up. Always glad to oblige an ally that provides us with such information.
People are complaining I'm sending far too many people to eternal death. I don't thinik so! I don't think so at all because I'm giving them an alternative, I'm giving them someone that can reach them and give them an opportunity for eternal life in another Kingdom, in another place. I cannot forgive them, I cannot accept their betrayal, but someone with more kindness than me might be able to reach them and give them another chance. That is part of the reason why you are being called. These people need you. You are their only hope. That is why I wish you would answer my summons and join Demetrius. I want my ladies to make history! I want them to fulfill their promises to me.
Someoene has asked "Well, if you're giving these courier/protectors a chance to back out, why won't you give Mrs. Schwarzenegger such a chance, and, Mrs. Bush?" The answer is simple. I'm asking you to do what you promised to do. These young women were never intended to go into such danger. They were supposed to have simple jobs just bearing witness for Demetrius and helping their people accept The Awakening, making sure there was no violence. We're asking them to do far more than what was expected of them. You are only being asked to do what you promised you would do. You're being offered an extra reward, but you're not being asked to do anything that different. That is why the young women are being offered so much, to be made goddesses themselves, to be given their own worlds to rule over because they are being asked to do so much more. I want my daughters to keep their word because I know if they do not it will destroy them, because I know within their souls it is their greatest desire.
We're a little confused rather the Obama administration is with Us or against Us. We are very pleased that they are boycotting the UN summit on racism because the fundamentalists are using it to attack Israel and make them appear racist because they are defending themselves against The Palestinians. This was something We did not expect, and an act that We appreciate. We wish so much We could establish a dialogue with this administration. If We had courier/protectors We might be able to. I have sent a message to Mrs. Obama asking her to take part in the march through San Francisco with her daughters, which I would still like to set a date for. If you could contact her on this matter perhaps we could set up something where there could be some dialogue between us. If We could only get Mr. Obama to withdraw his support of the UN's sodomizing of the world and gain his promise that he would make no attempt to remove "Don't ask don't tell," We might really be able to accomplish something. We are pleased that he is lifting some of the restrictions on Cuba and allowing the Cuban people to rule themselves the way they want to and not punish them. There seems to be common ground that We can work on. If we could just get rid of the wall between us, if We could just get rid of the support of homosexuality. You know that I have removed Mr. Obama's name from The Book Of Life. Here is another soul that you could save! If you could gain his cooperation and get him working with Us, he is another that could give obedience to you and gain eternal life in your Kingdom. We are going to set up an artificial Afterlife, he and his family could be members of it, building your power, so you could take your people to the stars. Wouldn't this be better than eternal destruction? Use your power! Use your glory!

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one. ( Albert Einstein )

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