An Open Letter From God The Father
To Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger, First Lady Of California
22-04-00 AJ

First of all this morning let me salute Laurie Higgins' article in the IFI Bulletin of April 21st in which she describes the vicious lies told about her in the homosexual blog Box Turtle Bulletin, where Timothy Kincaid claimed that her teaching of basic Christian beliefs against homosexuality showed that she approved of the bullying of homosexuals in public schools and believed it should continue. Somehow We must unite all these people that are speaking the truth so that they can show the world how ludicrous are these homosexual attacks. To a homosexual any denying of their sickness is a hate crime. Anyone stating my truth that it should not be taught to children is someone of evil that won't let them have their way and won't let them spread their sickness. My teachers must be defended! Demetrius is attacked constantly in the same manner. The ignorant say that he does not know me because he tells the world I will not permit homosexuality, I will never accept it. Because he is speaking Biblical truth they say he is teaching hate. We must challenge them on their own ground! We must fight them on their own terms! We must expose their lies and We must defend the truth!
I ask you to contact Laurie Higgins and make her aware of Our efforts to bring me to California, to bring my power directly against the liars, against the deceivers, against those teaching decent people that those who tell them the truth are full of hate while they are the ones that hate anyone that has the truth. The people must remove every open homosexual from every office of importance. They must end these false teachers not in hate but in righteousness. They must make the homosexuals understand as long as you keep it home, as long as you keep it private, as long as you don't ask other men for sex in public places you will be tolerated. As long as you do not humiliate decent men by saying they take part in your sickness, you do little harm, but you cannot be publicaly accepted. You cannot be married, you cannot have public displays, you can never teach children that what you do is acceptable, and to encourage them to take part in it. This is forbidden now and will be forbidden forever. There is no middle ground! Homosexuality can not be publicaly accepted! It cannot be taught to children! No child in any public school can be told that homosexual feelings are acceptable. No child may publicaly state that they are homosexual. If they do they must be removed from the schools. But no one has the right to attack any child who is different. We have spoken on bullying before, We do not have to repeat Ourselves.
But these unjust attacks on decent people because they are speaking the truth of this insanity must stop! The public must demand they stop, and every person making them must be silenced. As Demetrius conducts his Presidential campaign I want him to sue every news network whose commentator calls him homophobic for twenty-five-million dollars. Every time a commentator makes a statement I want to make them understand that they will not teach this lie spread by the homosexual community, that all who oppose them are derranged, terrified of them! I will assure every homosexual in the world Demetrius has no fear of you, whatsoever, none at all. He has the deepest loathing for your sickness, but he has no fear of you, and that is something that you should remember. You should also remember he doesn't like people insulting him.
Well, on to another matter. Back in this issue we gave a little bit of information on some of the courier/protectors.

I must tell you you have an unprecidented opportunity to accomplish something that has not occured for five-hundred-thousand years, to get two representatives of The Houses Of Haven to work together, to have someone who supported The Holy Godden Empire work with a leader of The Spiritist Reppublic. It is an opportunity to bring harmony between the people of that race that has not existed for untold ages. If you could arrange with The Mormons for the daughter We seek to join Demetrius, you will have accomplished one of the greatest miracles that has occured for ages. You do not know how much it would please me! Both these individuals have been loyal to me for untold ages and have tried to lead my people away from evil. To have them together, to have a daughter of the old God call a child of Spirit "Father," and show him respect would please me beyond anything that people can imagine, to have her understand that this man is not her enemy but her protector and her friend. It is something I have dreamed of for untold ages to bring these two groups of people back together. Though they do not hate each other any more, there is still a deep resentment among those that once followed the false God, and I would like to see that end. Because those that survived are good people, and their separation from their kinsmen is painful. If you could accomplish this you would deal the creatures of Darkness such a blow that it would be felt far beyond Earth, far beyond the confines of this single world. It would reach out through time and space to many who yet seek union with each other. It is such an opportunity! Few have such moments.
I ask you, sincerely, to visit The Mormon Prophet, sit down with him as my representative, and negotiate this reunion. There are no words to tell you what it means. Any attempt would be feeble. It is the same with The King Of Saudi Arabia. The primary young woman that We are seeking from him is the reincarnation of a Hashon, the people that began the Spiritist religion. If a daughter of the old God were to become her leader, join her in the battle against the evil We are fighting, then again two forces would be united that had barely spoken to each other for hundreds of

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