teaching of homosexuality should be banned from the schools. This is why you are so needed. Every hour that passes that We are not opposing this evil means more children that will be lured into it and destroyed. They are after the children when they are most impressible, can be easily led astray and their parents can't protect them, they can't say no. This must stop! Let's stop it in California and in the rest of the nation! Help Us spread this message! We desperately need to get this material to the public, to fight the homosexually controlled media. Here's the link. We've got to keep this going out there!


I am grateful to Family Research Council again for making me aware of Our enemies. They have exposed this homosexual group that says they want to have homosexual marriage and homosexual rights well established in New England by 2,012 so it will not be an election issue. They're not gonna make it! We're gonna stop them! Somehow We're going to end homosexual marriage in every New England state and ban the teaching of homosexuality to children. This is a prophecy. This is a promise from The Lord Of Hosts. Of course all members of this organization are removed from The Book Of Life and sentenced to eternal death. We need that office in Sacramento with the book of the damned so staff members can begin gathering the names of these individuals. I am sure one by one others will give them to me and they will be removed from The Book Of Life officially, but this is a warning to everyone working with this organization- leave it! Don't fund it! Disassociate yourself with it! I will give those involved a month's time to end their relationship with this group before I finally strike their names from The Book Of Life. And I do not care if it's a father supporting a son or a son supporting a father or a mother supporting a daughter, or, a daughter supporting a mother. Any that say homosexual marriage is acceptable are doomed. A line must be drawn, the enemy must be recognized. And this enemy is recognized! I wish so much that you would announce that you would accept my Covenant and will become these peoples' savior, give them a place where they can have eternal life if they repent their evil. But I do not care how much a daughter loves her mother she cannot accept this evil! She cannot destroy other young women to make herself feel better, to dispel her shame. For that is the only reason these people want homosexual marriage accepted, so they will not feel ashamed of their children. They will destroy thousands of others to have their children publically accepted. They are the worst of evil!

Demetrius was making the printed copy of their latest magazine. They always keep a printed copy in case they want to run some off. He read to me the cover story which is about one of the people he met some years ago. I desire greatly that you read it. This story is repeated across the country dozens of times a year. Here is a woman that can tell you the results of a lesbianistic relationship. I know she still monitors Demetrius' work and I wish her and her daughter would come to you and tell you what has been done to them. But she is trying to lose the past and give her daughters a chance for a decent life so they can hopefully forget the pain that she has caused them. But this is what keeps Demetrius going. Every time he thinks of just giving up someone like this comes along, someone that asks him to keep fighting, not to let the evil win. I'm sure this woman is asking you the same thing, asking you not to listen to the homosexual propaganda, to defend innocent children, not in hate, but in righteous rejection of evil. I wish other women that have had similar experiences would come to you and tell you their stories. I wish some of these anti gay organizations would bring these women forward and have them testify to the world what lesbianism does to children. There are so many of them but their shame is understandable, and their desire to keep their daughters safe and let the wounds heal is reasonable. So I would force none of them to come to you, unless it is private and you keep their secrets, which is acceptable. But there are so many out there that know what this evil does, that knows how sick it is. Those pushing the homosexual agenda do not want them to speak, so you must speak for them. You must be the one saying "This must stop! This can't be done to children!" Here's the link. Read this story. Hear this woman's words, feel her agony. Feel the price she paid for her sodomy, the price her daughter is still paying.


Still trying to get you some help. It is hard to reach out without support. But We will not give up, We will keep trying. Again I ask you to accept my Covenant, sign my contract, join the battle and I will give you all I have promised. You will be my equal. I will praise my daughters and show the world what they can accomplish. We have so much to do! If We have you working inCalifornia We can accomplish it, if you are able to offer rewards for others for standing with Us, if you will offer to lead them. Maybe in the future you'll be there when some of these courageous people visit Demetrius. Maybe you will share these wonders with him. But tell the women of California that suffer this way that they have someone that is fighting for them, that their daughters will be safe and those that have hurt them will be punished.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


I think that somehow, we learn who we really are and then live with that decision. ( Eleanor Roosevelt )

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