An Open Letter From God The Father
To Pope Benedict Of Rome

The dream Demetrius has had below deeply disturbs Us. But your trip to Israel gives you a golden opportunity to quietly make Our purposes known to The Israeli Leaders, and to encourage them to provide a Jewish protector. You will be there Monday and Tuesday. Plenty of time to quietly make Our wishes known. I repeat my desire to you, that after you complete this visit to my most sacred ground instead of returning to Rome you fly directly to The United States, to Maine, and join the campaign to stop gay marriage, removing from Maine's Catholic Churches any priests that support it. I ask you to stay there a month and rally the Catholic people. During that month I ask you to go to Demetrius, Speaker Gerald Polley, wherever he happens to be, I would hope still in Bismarck, North Dakota, for this purpose, ordain him a cardinal, and make his wife a bishop ending celibacy. I would like his first act to be to marry you to an appropriate bride, one young enough and strong enough to bear you a son so that your line will not be lost, so that you will have a legitimate heir. And I desire that you leave with Demetrius a Catholic protector and send copies of some of his works back to Rome for The Church to publish to pay her support, having the Italian rights. I wish to discuss some other matters with you personally, using Demetrius' physical form. If you come to The United States this would be possible. Before returning to Maine to finish your work there before going back to Rome I would like you to drop down to Texas, visit Laura Bush, and ask her to be Demetrius' vice presidential candidate. I know I'm asking a lot. But it is for the glorification of all of mankind. Those who have long protected The Catholic Church are asking for your support. Without them there would be no Catholicism. I ask you to recognize their sacrifice and serve them in this manner. We need to take the battle to the enemy. The immediate need for Demetrius is in California. I need you in Maine until We are capable of splitting Our forces and being more places. But I need an immediate response in Maine. I need one of my power sources there. I need someone to rally the people, and to make them understand that I am real, I still exist and I still have power.
Understand that eventually everyone will know I sent this message to you. Even as it goes out it is already on its way to the people in the stars. Those that worship me on far and distant worlds will know if you have obeyed me or failed me, rather you have saved my children or destroyed them. There will be no way it can be hidden, no way that it can be kept secret. All will know that as The Lord Of Hosts I have personally asked you to do these things. And if you do not they will fully understand why you have been separated from me.

He That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

To The Media Of The World

Very serious difficulty. A people are asking for something which is really their right but that is strongly being resisted. The world should ask with all politeness, that their wishes be fulfilled. It would be beneficial to the entire human race.

God The Father

An Open Letter From Got The Father
To Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger, First Lady Of California
10--05-00 AJ

First of all, I must tell the world that it was indeed one of my messengers that spoke to the Rev. Michael Beckwith and told him to get out of the stock market. I'm not sure, there may have been a note in Demetrius' magazine that I was telling people to do this. But I know he mentioned it to several people. Beckwith was one of the few that listened, and have profited from obeying me. Which in a way frustrates me because Beckwith is in reality, one of Demetrius' people who has been doing a very good job serving me but some day will have to return to his true place. I don't want to speak too much on that because I want Rev. Beckwith to come to realize where he is supposed to be by himself, and not be pushed. I have to say I am very disappointed with the commentator on CNN, their financial expert, who commented that it was better to invest in ungodly companies and have the profit to use for your own projects. Absolutely wrong! This sends more people to eternal death than perhaps homosexuality! Supporting evil is never acceptable, investing in it is never acceptable. If people find a company is conducting unacceptable practices they should remove themselves from it immediately and end all support. This is unquestioned! No Christian may invest in a company that they know is misusing people in any way, to profit, totally unacceptable! Not allowed! Anyone that suggests such a thing is a creture of Darkness and should not be listened to. I would suggest to CNN that either this individual retract those remarks and never make any like them again, or be removed from their employment.
I must report that Demetrius has had a very disturbing nightmare! And if there is any truth to it, whatsoever, we have a very serious problem! Demetrius dreamed we were at an important gathering somewhere. The Mormon Prophet was there, with the Mormon protector. Also present was The Pope, The Archbishop Of Canterbury, The Leader Of The Greek Orthodox Church, The King Of Saudi Arabia, and another prominent Islamic leader, The High Rabbi Of Israel, and, of Jerusalem. The Mormon protector spoke to Demetrius using his Haven name, saying "I will give myself to you, all of myself. I will serve you with unquestioned devotion. I will save this race. But I must have

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