one thing in return. If I cannot have that I will not serve or none of my people will serve. You must become our leige. You must take your place as The Lord God Of Haven. We respect the half blood, but he is the leader of The Hashon People. We want our own. And I also want The Mormon People on Earth to recognize you as our Lord, the leader of The Haven People and to acknowledge that they obey you as such. In exchange my people will accept Republic law, have elections, chose our leaders democraticaly. For untold ages we have protected The Catholic Church as the last remnant of our faith, as the last followers of our way. We have, as much as possible, kept them from evil. But we will accept the end of celibacy and the other reforms that you seek. We will give up some of our ways, but we must have something in return. We must have our God. If we have that, then we will give our all. Though we have long guided The Catholic Church the majority of us have been reborn among The Mormons. That is why I ask that they pay you homage. We will not agree to anything else! We want to help our brothers and sisters. We want to be sure this race will survive. But we want something back that has been stolen from us! And if we do not get it back we will not help! You constantly say things are simple. This is simple. By all line of decendancies, by all legal right you should be the Ruler of all of The Haven People. If you will not be then this part of The Haven People will not serve you! I wish to bow down and give myself to you, to be everything you need. But I will not unless I am bowing down to my God, to my Lord, to my Ruler! That is absolute! You will get no support from my people unless we have what we want!"
The dream ended before Demetrius replied, but it doesn't matter. Everyone knows what the reply would be. Demetrius would refuse, even though in the dream it was obvious all the other religious leaders were encouraging him to accept. If this is truly a condition that the Godden Havens are putting forth for their service, it may very well doom Our efforts, and, Our hopes. I do not know what could be offered to Demetrius to get him to fulfill their desires. But the mere thought of that throne fills him with such revulsion that it is impossible for humans to understand how much he is appalled by this idea. Yet it is not something that he could accept. Perhaps the Obama administration and the Egyptian government saying they would support Father Abraham's Peace Proposal and work with us to establish a separate Palestinian homeland outside of Israel, but I don't know what else. Even my wisdom is not sufficient in this situation! Though everything the young woman says in the dream is absolutely true. It is simply something that is inconceivable. Yet it is something that is desperately needed. There is no way that We can succeed without the Godden Havens, there is no hope of it! This young woman is the key to making the courier/protectors work, what will bind the rest together. This is a real, real dilemma!
A bit of joyous news, however. Last night on The Black Knight & Squire G Show on the internet Chris of The Nerk Twins did two of John Lennon's new songs, the most important one being "Remember The Springtime," John's love song to Yoko that he hopes will somehow bring her back to him, and, "The Man From Memphis," John's tribute to Elvis Presley. "Remember The Springtime" is good, but "The Man From Memphis," wow! What talent! Unfortunately we do not have the songs separate yet. But they can be heard on the archives of the show. We wish so much someone would pay Chris to put all these songs on a CD and put it out to the public. John would give him all the profits. But if you get a chance listen. This is my glory, this is one of my servants doing his greatest work.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

To The Media

What more can I say than is in the main letter? We are on the brink! Mankind is choosing eternal life or eternal death and it will most likely be eternal death. I have those that can save them, but they are not being supported. What more can I do?

God The Father

An Open Letter From God The Father
To Mrs. Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger, First Lady Of California
11-05-00 AJ

Again Our letter to you this morning was so long that we had to put it up temporarily so it would fit on everybody's emails. Very important stuff! The need for you is still very great and growing greater each day. We must disperse Our power, take the burden off our overloaded service. Others must come forward to assist! Here's the link to the main letter.

( See Page 18 )

I want to do so much! I would appreciate it so much if you would send one of your daughters to Miss California and tell her that I support her, and that you support her. My people must have the right to speak, cannot be attacked because they speak my truth.
I would like it very much if nude photos appeared of every other contestant in the Miss California pageant to show the world how ridiculous this rule is, that there is virtually no young woman in these things that has not at one time, revealed a great deal of themselves. As far as I am concerned the bikinis worn in the contest are inappropriate, far too revealing. But it is not something that I would condemn a young woman for. But if she was to marry another young woman, that I would condemn her for. Please read my entire message. There are some real difficulties.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

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