An Open Letter From God The Father
To The King Of Saudi Arabia
12-05-00 AJ

I ask you to send a message to your embassy in Washington and every other embassy of Islamic countries. Ask them to have their staff make up petitions to Mrs. Schwarzenegger asking her to sign my Covenant, to accept what I am offering her, and to do my will, fight my battle amd send them to her. She is the only chance the fundamentalists committing these atrocities have. They will not be able to go to the new Islamic world with the Islamic protector. They need a neutral, someone who is not working directly for any of the religions but will take in those who have faltered from all. This is why Mrs. Schwarzenegger is so important to all the world, not just The Islamic People, but to everyone. Doing what We are doing is very dangerous. We are pushing close to the point where the lifeline will break and the human race will begin to die. Mrs. Schwarzenegger's retrieval of these souls will give Us breathing room, give Us a chance to save them and keep things in balance. That is why We so need her. We need to break the homosexuals' momentum. So again I ask you to have your staff in Washington ask her to save your people, that We cannot. Remember, there are no weapons that mankind posseses that can stop my warriors, that can protect the souls of those I point to and say "Destroy them!" Once I utter those words those people are doomed! The only thing they have is eternal death. No matter how powerful a nation is materially, they cannot stop me spiritually. Make the world understand that! I want my army in Pakistan, I want to put an end to The Taliban in both Pakistan and, Afghanistan. I want these attacks on my daughters stopped! I want the ones committing them punished. I want them totally and completely humiliated so that no man will think of doing things like this again. They are not your friends, they are not your brothers, they are your enemy, and they will always be your enemy! Stand with me! Stand against them and be glorified! I ask that your son too, accept the Covenant I offer him, that we may bring this world from Darkness.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And Forever

An Open Letter From God The Father
To Governor Baldacci Of Maine
12-05-00 AJ

It is rare that I communicate again with someone that I have removed from The Book Of Life and separated from me forever. But my servant Demetrius is from Maine and he wishes that I give you an opportunity to save yourself and those you have led into the Darkness. Below is a letter I have sent to the media in California. ( See Page 21 ) I am asking Mrs. Schwarzenegger to take power and glory equal to my own and establish a new Kingdom where those who have betrayed me can be taken in and given eternal life because I can never take them back. I ask you to give your people hope, to give yourself hope. If you should choose to repent, cast off this evil, and join Our battle. I ask you to write up a petition asking Mrs. Schwarzenegger to sign my Covenant, to take the power I offer her. I ask you to sign it, have your family sign it, circulate it among your staff and then fax it to Mrs. Schwarzenegger. You do not have to do it in that order! You and your staff could send the first one, then you could get the signatures of your family on a second one. But I want you to try to reach Mrs. Schwarzenegger and ask her to fulfill my wishes. So if you choose to turn against the creatures of Darkness you will have a place to go. I am trying to reach the two gentlemen that are trying to raise the people to veto this legislation. If you go to them and tell them you've changed your mind, God has spoken to you and you know you have done wrong, and support their efforts, if Mrs. Schwarzenegger accepts what I offer, you may have a place with her.
I do not want to lose you. Demetrius speaks well of you. He says he met you once in passing and you had very good vibes that would be of use to us. Demetrius is never wrong in these things. He knows his people, he knows mine. Do not prove him wrong. Send the petitions. Give those with you hope. Give them a place to go.
I will be sending this to the media in Maine and what churches we can reach also. And I will be asking them to both send petitions themselves, and to encourage you to send petitions to show the world that though We must oppose homosexuality We do not want those supporting it lost forever. We want to give them a chance for eternal life. The departure of my Son Jesus has made it difficult to redeem those who are lost. We need alternate solutions. Help Us gain them.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And Forever


Why Girls?

God The Father here! People are asking why can't We glorify young men? Why does it have to be girls? Why can't young men provide the power that is needed? Well, it's a simple matter really. The one needing to be balanced is male. If he tried to take the kind of power that he needs from males it would kill them! It's that simple! It would burn out their nervous systems. If they survived they would be vegetables. If they would still be able to tie their shoelaces by themselves they would be lucky. We are dealing with powers that most people don't understand. Even using females there has to be a good number of them to make it work. One or two simply wouldn't be able to do it. The main workers would have to have several to keep them energized and share the burden. That's the why.

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