An Open Letter From God The Father
To Pope Benedict Of Rome
12-05-00 AJ

You know full well that The Catholics that are failing me now will not be allow to go to the new world with the Catholic protector. The only thing that awaits them is eternal death. Mrs. Schwarzenegger is the only hope they have of eternal life. I ask you to send out an order to every Catholic church in the world, to every diocese, ask them to make up petitions asking Mrs. Schwarzenegger to sign my Covenant, sign them and fax them to her, and give them hope. Your stubbornness is destroying them, is sending them to eternal death. They need a savior. They need someone outside of my power to shelter them and protect them and let them heal. They are your responsibility. Their destruction will fall on you. As I told The King Of Saudi Arabia, no material weapons can stop my warriors. Once I point to someone and say "Destroy them!" they are doomed forever. You know that, and you must make the world understand that. End your stubbornness. Stand with me! The priest in Florida has admitted that he has been having an affair with this woman for two years. Send him a message. Tell him to make things right with her and marry her, that celibacy will soon be ended and you will invite him to return to the church. In the meantime you wish him to serve Demetrius. He is destined to do great things for The Catholic Church, but with a wife at his side that will strengthen him and fortify him as I intended. Do not fail your people! DO not pass from this world not having accomplished what was your destiny. Return to me! Join Mrs. Schwarzenegger and guide the Catholics she has to take charge of. Give them eternal life. Have a Place prepared for you in her Kingdom and enter it joyously, wi th my blessings. End your stubbornness!

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And Forever

An Open Letter From God The Father
To Pope Benedict Of Rome
13-05-00 AJ

I am deeply disappointed that there are those still attacking you because you were in The Hitler Youth and served in the German army during World War II. It is so hard for people to understand that the majority of Germans had no idea what The Nazis were doing and when The Hitler Youth was formed it was actually a beneficial movement. It was not until later that it was corrupted for the Nazi purpose. Though some would be shocked by my saying so, it is comparable to the Serve America Corps today. That will make some outcries! But basically the two organizations had similar goals, to get young people off the street, give them something beneficial to do, and have them aid society. Let us pray the American programs are not used by the homosexuals as the Hitler Youth was used by The Nazis! And as with The Hitler Youth the regular German soldiers had virtually no knowledge of what The Nazis were doing. They were fighting to protect their country. Your service should not be critisicized. You have denounced the holocaust and you will not allow those that deny it. The present should be accepted and the past forgotten.
You know what I desire of you. Show the world that you truly turn from these things by supporting Demetrius because the foundations of his efforts, the foundations of his people's goals is to create a separate homeland for The Palestinians outside of Israel and make true and lasting peace in The Middle East by having all the other Islamic Nations recognize Israel and guaranteeing its existence, promising it will never be attacked by another Arab state again. This is Demetrius' goal. If you were supporting him he could achieve it. Make him a cardinal, give him special authority to remove homosexuality from the church, and back him in all matters because you know he is my servant and every word he utters is from me! Let us show them that the past is done! Let us show them that you did not cooperate with The Nazis, that you know my truths. Have the church support Demetrius' efforts. Bring peace to The Middle East and be remembered for greatness. Bring the courier/protector! Have all the Catholics in the world safe so Demetrius can work freely among them. Encourage The King Of Saudi Arabia to bring the Islamic protector. Show the world what We can do! Ask Mrs. Schwarzenegger to accept my Covenant.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now And, Forever


The Rewarded

God The Father here! I am asked how can I condone anyone who served in the German army during World War II? A better question would be, how can you condemn them? They were soldiers fighting for their country. I did not condemn the confederates during The Civil War in The United States, I did not condemn the common soldiers in World War I. As long as soldiers do not commit atrocities but merely fight for their country following the orders of their leaders, I cannot punish them. Their leaders are another matter! Those that commit atrocities, however, I most certainly will punish! There is the story of a young Japanese soldier in China who was told to bayonet some children. The soldier refused and was shot. Those that shot him and bayonetted the children were destroyed forever. But he now leads people of that era in The Afterlife. This is how things work. Those who blindly follow orders and do wrong are punished, but the soldier that just does his duty and defends his country is not. Those that refuse to commit atrocities are praised and rewarded.

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