An Open Letter From God The Father
To Mrs. Maria Shriver Schwarzenegger, First Lady Of California
13-05-00 AJ

Sometimes dispensing justice is such a pleasure! People sometimes complain about Demetrius' infinite patience, and his ability to wait and watch an enemy for an opportunity to strike. Some years ago one of our associate's supervisors lied about an incident and got him fired. Demetrius told him "Be patient, give us time. Sooner or later he'll make a mistake and we'll bring him down!" The other day the federal authorities came and arrested that person. He will undoubtedly lose his position, his reputation, and maybe his family, besides going to prison. All Demetrius' people need is an opportunity and they will strike! And they will strike with a fury! It is only a matter of time. That is the thing with people that do evil. If they're doing one evil there's a very high probability they're doing another. If you keep watching, and you keep waiting sooner or later something will come along that you can expose and render them impotent against you, have them and their relatives weeping in sorrow because their loved one has been exposed, and their high position has disappeared. That's the thing when you're immortal, you have all the time in the world! But Demetrius does not always have to wait until a person enters The Afterlife to see that justice is done. He might not always be able to punish someone for one particular offense. But punishing them for something else and making them miserable is just as good to him! And the ignorant always give him opportunity. As I say, it's just a matter of time. No matter how high they have risen, no matter how powerful they are, it's just all that much further they have to fall. And does he love to make them fall! It is a very foolish man that makes Demetrius his enemy, a very foolish man, indeed! I remember a man named Pontius Pilot who thought he could defy him. Did that man pay a price! But justice has been done, an evil has been paid for. Took a little while, but it was done!
Again We have gotten complaints about saying that Jesus has abandoned mankind. We are asked "Why would He? There's been problems with homosexuals before. There's been problems with drugs before. Why would Jesus forsake mankind now?" For one very simple reason. In those times The Chosen, The Special Ones I sent into the world to perform certain missions have always stood with Us, no force has ever turned them against Us. But now every former Prophet, every Saint that survived, all The Patriarchs Of Israel, every Biblical Hero has taken human form and is again living among mankind. And sadly They have turned against Jesus. They refused to follow His instructions. The Enlightened, the powerful, have said "No, I won't upset my neighbors, I won't speak out against this evil. If some men want this pleasure let them have it! It's not worth destroying my church for. I won't give up everything we've gained for one issue. You don't understand modern life, you don't understand the benefits of a church being prosperous, of the donations continuing to come in. It's much better to accept some things and be prosperous than to oppose them and be penniless. We can do so much more good when we have the finances. I won't drive my members away. You're out of touch! You don't understand!"
When these things were said to Jesus, when these people refused to back Our presidential candidate and said they would let their sons and daughters be sodomized Jesus said "Enough! I'm through with them. I gave them their places, We gave them their power and they turn on me. I'm done with them!" When these individuals return to my Kingdoms and find out what they've done it will destroy them forever. They will not plead, they will not beg, they will simply go off into the Darkness and their grief will destroy them forever. Because they will know they failed their Lord who they once served with devotion for shiny trinkets and an air conditioned vehicle to ride around in, for a church full of professed believers who have no belief at all. This is why Jesus has left. Because He was betrayed by those that swore absolute devotion, that swore they would follow Him to the death, but then thought of economics before the Truth. That is why Jesus has left, because those who swore they would obey Him refused Him. He has no followers any more. In every denomination there is something the people will disobey in. The only ones that speak the truth any more are those who are not really of Our house. They are more loyal than those who swore devotion! That is why Jesus has abandoned Us.
Those who errored still have hope if We can rise them, if We can return them they can find forgiveness in their own souls. If they do what they are supposed to do and save mankind there will still be a Place for them. Though it will not be with me. They will still be honored. But if they do not return, if they do not say "God forgive me! I didn't mean to reject Him. I was thinking of the good. I didn't realize what I was doing. I will do what is righteous now and pray that He will forgive us." If they do that there is still hope for them. They can still have eternal life. But if they pass from this world without making amends then all know their fate. They have rejected salvation, they have rejected truth. Everyone knows the price of that.
That is why you are so needed. We need the power you possess to bring back those who have been lost, those who drove Jesus away because they wanted riches and fame and would not suffer for Him. That is why He is gone. But We still have His power and glory. It is in one of His servants. If We can get that servant to take His place salvation can return. But only you can help Us. Only you can turn the tide. Only you can win the day. That is why I offer you power and glory equal to my own.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever

Marriage is a great institution, but I'm not ready for an institution yet. ( Mae West )

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