An Open Letter From God The Father
To The King Of Saudi Arabia
13-05-00 AJ

We speak of a small victory here. But it shows what Demetrius' people can do once they mark someone. He has marked the leaders of The Taliban. He has marked Al Quaida. No force on Earth can protect them! No force on Earth can shelter them. Demetrius will keep hammering and hammering and hammering. And should anything happen to him those who follow him will attack with an even greater vengeance. Their wrath would be unimaginable! They made the world attack Hussein. Though many tried to stop it, tried to shield him. Sooner or later they will make them attack others that are doing such evil. It is far better for you to deal with them first, for you to handle them. I would much prefer it. I ask you again to have your son respond to my Covenant, respond to what I offer him. As Mrs. Schwarzenegger is needed, he is needed. I would not offer such a reward if he was not. I can make your people glorious, or they can fade into obscurity. It's up to you.
How Demetrius would like to be able to raise billions of dollars! A CNN photographer showed some areas of Pakistan that would be just perfect for Demetrius' people to practice developing colonies, making wastelands into paradises. He should've been doing this years ago. The troubles in Pakistan should never have occured, or, in Afghanistan. They were not part of the plan. They are the work of the creatures of Darkness trying to stop Us. That is why you should stand against them. I have offered your son a Covenant. If this is not desirable to you, negotiate with me.
Tell me what you want. If it is possible I am willing to fulfill my servants' wishes, to give them their desires. I am a loving God. I am a caring God. I want to provide for them, and fulfill their dreams. What is it you want? What more glory can I give you? Am I asking too much for the freeing of your daughters, for the ending of the cruelty that man has taught? Am I being unreasonable? I will listen to your counsel, I will listen to your desires. I understand how hard it is to part with that that I am requesting. If what I am offering is not enough tell me what would be. I desire to make The Islamic People among the greatest on Earth. I desire to make their lands rich and prosperous. I desire to take their children to the stars. Is this unreasonable? What is it about it that you do not want? I ask a simple thing in return, that my daughters not be shamed, that they be treated with dignity and respect, and given the quality that they deserve. If I am given this, I will make the Arab nations the envy of the world. That is my promise and you know how good my promises are. What is it you want? Tell me!

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


Appreciate Them!

God The Father here! I have been asked "How can people say they are my servants and have problems like Demetrius & Alura have?" Well, tell me of any of my servants that didn't have problems! Now Moses had quite a few of 'em, so did Father Abraham. Things didn't go absolutely perfect for Muhammed, or, even Jesus! Even He stubbed His toe once and a while! The mere fact that they are fighting the creatures of Darkness and so much dark power is coming against them means that once and a while my servants are going to have a few problems. Sarah and Abraham were known to have some knock down drag outers. The servants would run for the hills until they quieted down, and I mean that literally! They would hide until the two of them got their act back together again! My servants are never perfect. Run from anyone that says they're perfect because they're one of two things- liars or, insane and you don't want anything to do with either one! Perfection is a curse. People who are perfect get nothing done. They're just too worried keeping the illusion of their perfection intact. They're afraid of doing anything that might expose that they're ordinary human beings and they have difficulties just like anybody else. one of the reasons that Demetrius and Alura are having difficulties is they're strained to the limit. They're doing my work without back up, and the physical and emotional stress is almost beyond bearing! The miracle is that they get along as well as they do! My Son said it best. "Judge not, for you will be judged," and that's the best advice that can be given! Don't look at peoples' problems, look at what they get done and realize that they're physical beings and they can never be perfect. Don't expect them to be. Appreciate what they do for you.


Immortal Danger!

God The Father here! Demetrius is constantly asked the silly question what would he do if I came to him and instructed him to kill a child? Well, if any spirit came to Demetrius pretending to be me and gave such an instruction Demetrius would immediately destroy it because he would know it isn't me. Sometimes to destroy a creature of Darkness some of my children will permit themselves to be destroyed. But We never deliberately target children. Sometimes if a child is suffering and wishes to die We will permit it, because We cannot deny that child's free will and We know they will live again. But anyone that says "Hurt children!" is in immortal danger around Demetrius!

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