Greetings Pope Benedict!
21-05-00 AJ

How am I doing in Ireland? Pretty good, huh? What else is buried there? How much corruption is there? How do you think I'll do in Mexico? You know this has to stop and the first step to stopping it is ending celibacy. Below is a letter I sent to Mrs. Schwarzenegger and to The King Of Saudi Arabia telling him exactly how the money will be set up that is needed for the courier/protectors. If we get the initial two million from him we would only need a million from you. And as I offered with The King, if you would want your lawyers to set up the accounts all that would matter to Demetrius is that it be guaranteed the funds would be there for twenty years. By then he would hope that you have sold some of his works and We have raised far more than that and used it to save Our children. But you know what I want. I want you in The United States for a month in Maine and New Hampshire and other places rallying the people against homosexual marriage. I want you to ordain Demetrius and make him a cardinal. We can save the church! But it cannot exist the way it is now. The tendency for corruption is just too great. Not saying that there won't always be some corruption, no matter how good the system some creatures of Darkness will get into it. But We can hunt them down and deal with them. Join Us! Don't fight Us! Let go of the falsity. Let's put this organization together, so a united force can fight this evil and things can get back to where they were supposed to be.

God The Father


A Letter To The Republicans
22-05-00 AJ

I'm Speaker Gerald A. Polley. I ran a campaign for the presidency in 2,008. God wanted me to be the candidate on the Republican ticket. I am letting you know that I am now beginning an effort for the 2,012 election. Part of our campaign will be an ongoing effort to stop the homosexual marriage movement and to reign in homosexuality altogether, shut it down throughout the country. It will be one of the major issues we'll be pushing. But we will be supporting a woman's right to an abortion because God considers the anti abortionists' teachings blasphemy, and that they are torturing His daughters for political gain. Here is a link to our old web site.

Because of the last campaign Jesus was driven from Earth. He has resigned and abandoned mankind. Those Republicans that opposed us and responded to us hatefully were partially responsible. But God wants to give them an opportunity to redeem themselves and assist in our efforts to reestablish salvation. All of this will be made known of in our campaign. We would like the support of The Republican Party in our efforts. We would like to establish some kind of dialogue. Because of Jesus' departure we are trying to gather a force to restore my powers so I can function without harming those that can be saved. Here is a link to that project.

We know what we have to do is very controversial. But we have no choice in the matter. Any support that The Republicans could give us in reaching the people we need and encouraging them to work with us we would be grateful for. Regardless our campaign will be functioning. Right now I am trying to reach Mrs. Schwarzenegger in California, or, God is. He wants her to be a temporary courier/protector and then my campaign chairman in California. If you could reach Mr. Schwarzenegger and encourage him to have his wife join our efforts you may well make history. God still wants former first lady Laura Bush as my vice presidential candidate. The Republican Party's assistance in getting her to join our efforts might well mean its survival as a political entity.
Oh, there's one other thing, President Lincoln. He does not want this doctor getting a sample of his blood from the pillowcase in the museum. He somehow wants the DNA in the pillowcase contaminated so the doctor can never get the information he wants. He has asked of me to request of you that you find some way of doing this. He does not want his medical privacy violated. If you could assist with this again we would be appreciative and you will be rewarded. There are vast rewards being offered to those that will cooperate with us.
There is much more I could tell you, but we want to keep this email short. One thing, though, we are disgusted with Obama's attacks on The Bush Administration, especially on The Iraq War. If President Bush had not gone into Iraq the world would be a nuclear wasteland by now! He did exactly what had to be done! The Democratic attacks are unfounded and purely political. We will say that constantly.

A Representative Of Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


As we plan on going to the stars do We have any idea what the worlds We will find will look like? None whatsoever! We can guess that they'll be something like this world, but exactly what they'll look like is anybody's guess! They may have vast oceans, they may have very small ones, or, none at all. There may just be enough water to sustain life. It might not be like anything that We know. We may find worlds so primitive that We may have to import oxygen to make breathable atmospheres. Things are so different out there that We can't exactly say what We might find, but We'll find something! We'll find a lot of somethings!

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