Linda emailed to about 40 Scottish newspapers yesterday. I got about 36 English newspapers this morning, but didn't even get through the Bs! I simply have no time to do more emailing, and we only have one functioning computer which is slowing our work. But even then if we had another one there are too many demands on our time.
I must assure those mourning him that Sant Rama Nand is safe and well in The Afterlife. His murder in India by Sikh fundammendalists brought immediate reprimand. At first the souls of 100 Sikh fundamentalists were going to be destroyed in their bodies. But 30 relatives close to the purpetrators came forward and said they would sacrifice themselves instead, and the relatives of the victims said this would be satisfactory, that they would demand no further restitution. I am extremely fond of the lower classes in India. I have long ago promised to make their lives better, that it will be many of them that will go to the stars with us. But the persecution against them on Earth will end. All of those that serve the people of India have asked Us to see to it that the caste system ends and that all people be allowed to rise to whatever station their skills allow. This will happen. But the relatives of these individuals have saved Us a great problem. When they sacrifice themselves they do not remove themselves from the flow of life, just return to it. These brave souls have bought Us some time. But We do not have much more.
Every passing day is a struggle. We have so much power but no one will use it. Everyone is saying "Let somebody else do it!" But there is nobody else. Virtually every major player in The Bible is now in the world, all The Prophets, many of The Apostles and more are coming, the Kings, the Queens that survived, common people and even enemies that have joined the cause. But the problem is they have gone back on their word. They are not standing with Us. They won't take the positions that they were trained for, that they were given, that they would promise that they would do. That is why Jesus left, because God's special chosen abandoned Him. Prophets who had served God in the days of old called Him a lunatic and said He was out of touch or didn't understand sexuality and human need. So Jesus said "If the chosen will not follow me, I am done!" and departed. Now, somehow we must bring those chosen back and get them to do what they were supposed to do and others will have to take even more important missions. What was supposed to be a simple task for everyone because of a few perverts has turned into a struggle for the very existence of Our children!
That is why you are so needed. We can't do it alone. We are winning some battles, but We're losing the war because people like you will not serve, will not take their places. That is what is causing this entire problem. That is why We need you so much. We need witnesses. We need people to say "This is God. It's not a joke, it's not a con job, this is God! And if you don't listen we're all going to die forever. The Earth will become a wasteland, a ball of mud." That's why you're so important. I know it's tough, I know it's hard, but you're needed. God can't take these people back. they need a Place. We need the courier/protectors. Temporaries will help. But We'll never succeed until We have the permanents. Now it appears We're going to need a protector for the Scottish Church. We were hoping the Anglican and the Catholic would cover that group. But now it's obvious somehow We're going to have to work a young woman in from the Scottish Church, probably as an assistant to one of the others. But she will be needed. We will not be able to breech the gap without them. We need the Catholic protector so much, so We can work effectively against the corruption in the Church. Again God asks you to contact The Pope and beg him to cooperate with Us no matter how hard it is, no matter how many oppose him, he is The Vicar Of Rome. He has the power to change the world, and he needs to take it. Read his letter.
Again I say if there's anything special you want that We can grant that will make you desirous of joining Us, speak to me about it. If it is within Our power We will try to grant it. But you are already being offered power and glory equal to that of God, a world of your own, a home in the stars for the people of California and those they befriend. That is quite a reward! Give us a call! Here's our phone number (701) 323-0241. The wife is here daily. She's the best one to talk to. She can tell you what it's like to work with God. She doesn't even mind Him hollering at her! Of course He doesn't do it too often! I know you two would be friends.
Here's some of the latest art work. There's a special that God had me do for KROQ in Los Angeles. He wants it made into a T shirt for a fundraiser. If you would back the project we'd appreciate it.

Linda prepared a special page for Memorial Day with all the songs that we have written over the past few years praising the troops. If you could pass it around we'd appreciate it! They are God's heroes. Without them the Earth would now be a wasteland. It must always be remembered Hussein was a lunatic, determined to stay in power and he would've destroyed half the world to do so. Bush barely stopped him in time! People might not like it but it's the truth.

He Who Serves Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


It's being here now that's important. There's no past and there's no future. Time is a very misleading thing. All there is ever, is the now. We can gain experience from the past, but we can't relive it; and we can hope for the future, but we don't know if there is one.

( George Harrison )

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