An Open Letter From Speaker Gerald A. Polley
To The Media Of The World
06-07-00 AJ

There are rumors that Michael Jackson will be buried at the Forest Lawn cemetery in LA and everybody's been wondering what other celebrities such as Roy Rogers and Nat King Cole think of the idea. Well, Nat King Cole acting as the spokesman for everyone else says everyone will be delighted to accept Michael onto their haunted grounds. They're sure he'll be a great addition that will bring many visitors, which is always a delight to them. No matter what particular person the crowds are visiting a few of them always wander off to visit the old timers. So thier philosophy is the more the merrier! They would like some day, to have me and Linda buried there, but I got a feeling we'll be up north somewhere, for a while anyway, until our ashes are taken into the stars.
Here's the link to Linda's latest illustration of Michael Jackson's miracles. People are wondering if they'll die off after his funeral. We seriously doubt it. That sometimes happens but more probably he'll still be at the peak of his power for a year or more. Michael wanted Linda to sing the tribute to him and Farrah on "Jimmy Kimmel, Live!" Unfortunately it wouldn't happen. But it would be nice. Sadly if I was to go I probably wouldn't be able to appear. I could visit but it would be far too dangerous without a protector. It would be very difficult for me not to use my powers.

Here's the regular art work. Just haven't been too creative lately. But God insists I keep making stuff. My mind is being pulled in too many directions at once!

Speaking of people dying, Robert S. McNamara passed away who was the secretary of state during the Vietnam War who many people vilainize. But Vietnam veterans met him as he entered The Kingdoms Of God and assured him they held him in no ill will. Their only complaint was that the public turned on them and they weren't allowed to win because cowards took over America. Their comments, not mine. It is still sad that that accursed war has separated so many American families, that there are still fathers and sons that do not communicate, and mothers who will not let their sons in their houses. We believe history is very unfair to Mr. McNamara. Any other secretary of state under the circumstances would have done exactly what he did. The time and circumstances would've demanded it. These are different times and we should not judge the men of other eras in the standards of today. There are still many that believe South Vietnam should not have been abandoned, and the butchery that took place there should never have been allowed. The men responsible for that are the villains, not the heroes that fought and tried.

07-07-00 AJ

We made a statement on Rep. Peter King's comments on Michael Jackson, but God was petitioned by Michael Jackson's family to make even stronger ones, and He did. ( See Page 14 ) They will be in our next magazine. If you would like them sooner, ask us to email them to you. God has also issued a Decree on the murder of the Islamic woman at a courtroom in Germany. ( See Page 14 ) This Decree is also available by email and will be in our upcoming issue.
We were considering maybe making some proposals of cooperation with Marion Barry, former mayor of Washington DC. But apparently he's up to his old tricks and was stalking a woman. Hopefully this is a misunderstanding and it will all be straightened out. We'll have to wait and see. But We wish these people could straighten up their acts!
God is very disappointed that the wife of the South Carolina governor says she may forgive him, even though he admits there have been other affairs. This is the quality of Republicans, people that are fanatic about one religious issue and forget about their own morality. There's gotta be some people out there We can work with!

He Who Serves Him That Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


Because They're Cheating!

Some people say our attacks on Republicans' shortcomings, or even Democrats, are wrong, that these are private matters and the public should not concern themselves with them, but only concentrate on the job the person is doing. DUH! This sounds like Clinton! And his fiasco started this whole mess! Moral behavior is important! It can't be sat aside, it can't be said "Oh, it's unimportant that this guy's cheating on his wife and stealing public funds to visit his mistress." Or, that somebody is ignoring criminal activity to boost his bank account. We must have morality in government! If some guy has a mistress and his wife knows about it, and he's only spending private funds, actually God could care less. But when he cheats, when he lies to his wife and steals from the public, that's another story. President Eisenhower readily admits that duing World War II he had a mistress while serving in Europe. His wife totally knew of the situation and approved because she knew it made Eisenhower a better commander. And in later years her and the woman were dear friends. God did not rebuke Eisenhower in any way because as far as He was concerned the situation was completely moral. That's the difference! These Republicans are not honorable men. They are lying, they are cheating and they are stealing. They are breaking many of God's commandments. And God has every right to expose them, every right!

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