An Official Decree Of God The Father
Given At The Embassy Of The Kingdoms Of God
1013 1/2 N 3rd Street, Bismarck, ND 58501 (000) 000-0000
04-07-00 AJ
Admiral Mike Mullen,
Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs Of Staff

Be it known that I am very displeased that the American military would not join me in a march in opposition against homosexuality through San Francisco on July 4th, that I have been betrayed by Governor Schwarzenegger and his wife who will not take the power that I offer them. Therefore, though it grieves me greatly I must end the truce that was begun at the beginning of The Iraq War and again remove all Angelic Protection from The American Military. As of July 4th none of my Forces will assist The American Army, Navy, or, Air Force in any way. They will not protect them in any manner, or guide them in any way.
I state clearly that a state of hostilities exists between The Kingdoms Of God and The United States because the people of The United States are letting Mr. Obama and his cohorts sodomize my children, and because agents of The United States are deliberately interfering with the efforts of individuals to resist. Therefore, I cannot support the American military.
However, as I am a just and loving God I will present an alternative, a way in which the American military can regain my favor and restore unity with me. If all senior officers of The Joint Chiefs announce publically that if "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is removed they will immediately resign because they will not serve in a homosexual military where their subordinates can be sodomized, if all other officers announce that as soon as their period of enlistment is finished they will also resign, refuse to reenlist, and if all other miltary personnel publically state that if "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" is removed they will not reenlist, so that the only way Mr. Obama will be able to maintain the military is to reinstall the draft, which every decent American mother should oppose because they would not want their sons drafted into a homosexual army, where the officers could sodomize them against their wishes, and would force Obama to reinstall "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" which he would also have to announce that all officers that had resigned could be reinstated with their previous ranks and previous responsibilities and all enlisted men the same. If these conditions were met, I would reinstate my Angelic Warriors, and as They have done in the past They would do all in Their power to protect the military forces of The United States.
Everything I am asking is absolutely legal! Officers have a right to resign, enlisted men have a right not to reenlist. I am asking no one to do anything that they do not have a right to do. All that I am asking is for them to tell the world that they will do it, if their government turns against them and tries to make them serve with perverts who would destroy the cohersion of the military. Every American citizen has rights, including those in the military, and decent men have the right not to be forced to serve with those who have no decency, who look upon them with lust and want them to do sickening and disgusting things. Those who say a man does not have a right to protest this are things of profound evil.
We will not waste our funds sending you a hard copy of this. But We will make it known to the world that it has been sent to you. Our law has been fulfilled. I have given fair warning. I have issued my intent. I have told those that I am against what I will do against them. None can claim that I have not been fair. All have been warned. Those who betray me know the price of betraying me, eternal separation from me, which I have every right to do. Those who in their lust and greed will destroy my children must be opposed. Those who will not oppose them have joined them and accept their fate.

He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever


They Do Plenty!

We've been asked this before, but just what exactly do Angelic Warriors do to help the military? Eh, little stuff. They might betray an enemy's position to a patrol by making a rock fall down a hill. They might make an enemy miss an American soldier by slightly pushing the barrel of his gun so the bullet passes by him or her. They might push an artillery shell so it lands short of its target. They might confuse an enemy by materializing and appearing to be soldiers and have the enemy shoot at them instead of the real soldiers. The reverse is true, too. They might give a mortar round a little nudge that's going to miss the enemy so it scores a direct hit and creates hamburger. There's all kinds of things that Angelic Warriors can do. But one of their greatest services is to soothe ruffled nerves, speak softly to a soldier and restore their confidence, bring them back memories of their loved ones so they'll know what they're fighting for. Sometimes this is the greatest service that they provide and not just in the war zones, at home as well. Angelic Warriors do plenty. They do more than plenty!


You know everybody is ignorant, only on different subjects. ( Will Rogers )

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