An Open Letter From God The Father
To The Media Of The World
28-08-00 AJ




We were so sad to hear that Madonna was booed in Bucharest, Romania, because she spoke of the plight of The Gypsies. As soon as The Gypsies in The Afterlife heard of it they said "If Madonna really wants to do something, why doesn't she do a tour singing some of Demetrius' new songs and have the proceeds go to the fund to purchase a homeland for The Palestinians? If there is success in this project, perhaps a homeland could be purchased for The Gypsies, where they could have their own state and flourish as a people." Well, it's definitely an idea! We don't know where We would get the land. But it's something that will be considered. Maybe if some of The Spiritist Republics are formed The Gypsies could become the major part of their populations. Demetrius is always looking for industrious, hard working people, and I think a good many of The Gypsies are Children Of The Lords. It's something for the future. We have so much to work on right now. When We are assured the human race is going to survive We can think about it! Unfortunately, Madonna supports the homosexuals. She is one of my most powerful daughters, and could do wonders. However, she is poisoned by their propaganda and will not serve me. If We could only break their hold!
We are absolutely amazed with how the dark ones' power in Washington DC has fallen with the death of Ted Kennedy! It is little wonder that the creatures of Darkness are attacking Our people trying to bring Our power down to compensate. I wish so much We could get the courier/protectors going and get Demetrius into Washington where he could fight the dark ones' power head on! He would be very unpopular because he would not be politically correct. He would call perverts, perverts, he would call the insane, insane, no matter what position they hold, and they would not be allowed in his home. People would be screaming "Oh! How can he say he's of God when he's so prejudiced?" Well, I'm prejudice and I'll tell the world I'm prejudice! I will not associate with evil no matter how popular it is. As long as Obama is in The White House I would never use Demetrius' physical form to enter it, for it is a place of sodomy and filth where anything will be done for power, and I would never set foot in it, nor would my servants no matter how much those occupying it would want them to, because he has become so powerful. He never would!
Here's the latest art. So much potential profit here!



I'm afraid I'm trying to cause Demetrius a little bit more difficulty. The Founder Of North Korea has written to his grandson informing him that he is the reincarnation of Demetrius' son from ages past and should join the rebellion trying to force Demetrius to take the throne of Haven. Demetrius believes this would interfere with Our presidential campaign, but I don't see any reason why it should. If someone is aware of his previous existences and is doing good for mankind I don't see any reason why he can't be president of The United States! Many, many people are aware that they have lived previous lives. It is no reason, whatsoever, to keep a person from serving in public office, and I don't believe anyone could serve any better than Demetrius. Because he can give the people one thing they have never had, truth. He would never hide one thing he is doing. Everyone around him would be told to speak the truth, except in private matters pertaining to their lives that are no one else's business. But everything else would be absolutely open. The public might find some things a little strange, but Demetrius would never do anything illegal. And he'd better not catch his people doing anything because he'd punish them before anybody else! The American People need truth, they need trust, they need a leader who, when he tells them he'll do something, he'll do it, no matter how unpopular it is politically! If it's the right thing to do he'll do it. Why couldn't a person like that be President even if he believes he is a reincarnation? I don't see any reason why not, do you? If you'd like a copy of the message to the future North Korean leader let us know and we'll send it. We need to save space.
I am sad to report that some of our friends who have online businesses who have been doing very well are suddenly doing very poorly because Google is messing up their advertising. This problem seems to be very selective, and We're wondering why. It is without doubt that in the future We will be asking other countries to ask their people not to use Google, or to directly ban it. The common man seems to be losing his advantage on the internet thanks to Google and others that are more interested in supporting major companies. Lord forbid the little guy take any of their business! This is something that will end! We promise the little guy, it will end!
I've got to tell you of somebody who's the walking dead, and that's the gunman who forced his way into the Jordan Grove Missionary Baptist Church, Miami, FL, and robbed some of the people having a meeting there. He has committed a crime on my sacred soil and is the walking dead. I will give him an opportunity to come forward and surrender himself, and make apologies. But if he does not, poof! The moment his physical existence ends, so does his eternity! I have warned people there are some things I will not tolerate. Stealing from my churches is one of them, thereatening the leaers of my churches is the second thing. You do not commit crimes on my sacred soil and enter into my Kingdoms no matter how many times you go to confession, no matter how many times you have absolution, one time, and you're history!


He Who Dwells In The Holiest Of All
Now, And, Forever



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