DECEMBER 5, 2,009

Saturday- Well, here we go again! We have lived in North Dakota since 1999, Fargo for five years and Bismarck about four. My husband Gerald I married 6/2/72 was a dishwasher at The Walrus, a restaurant up the street from us. November 15th, a Sunday a waitress kicked him in the bott for no reason, he told her off, and he got fired! So now he's suing them for age and religious discrimination, is on social security, and we're moving back to his home town of Ellsworth, Maine.
We're broke because of our doctor bills and credit card paying them. Anyway, injustice was done and we're out of here because we can't pay rent and bills. We've rented a loft UHaul and will be leaving the 14th. Our best friend Jesse is going with us in his car to help, and to visit his mother for Christmas in Bronx, NY after. He was here today visiting. Now I'm listening to The Black Knight & Squire G Show on the pc and writing this. Monday no phone and internet for a week! How will we survive? We have to! Stay tuned!

DECEMBER 7, 2,009

About 8:12 am our internet was turned off. I was typing an email to send our friend Alex our new address and listening to The Kevin & Bean Show in LA, CA who interview us frequently, when the balloon popped up saying it had been disconnected and ITunes shut off. Now, for a week we're cut off from everyone as our phone was gone before that. Even our radio is packed! Gerald put our flat screen minitor on our pc that was online and put all on smallest desk so he could throw away the biggest ones.
Typing "The Peace Keepers" story for John Lennon's Christmas present to the world '09. If we ever get back online and can fix more of the site from the hacker attack I can put it on our web site.
Jesse is coming at 3 to take our old pc monitors to Seeds Of Hope, our fave mission store. Then we're going to The Fortune Cookie, one of our fave restaurants. Will write more later. Oh, gave Gerald his last haircut in Bismarck so he could pack the clippers.

DECEMBER 8, 2,009

Had a good time last night with Jesse. Said goodbye to the owners of The Fortune Cookie. Went for a long ride with a pit stop at The Rolling Hills Subway. Strategy talks about the trip. Jesse thinks we need walkie talkies. Hope we can get them. Working on the magazine this morning. Jesse has a cold and we've got something too. I think mine is because it snowed again. Trying to keep going.

DECEMBER 9, 2,009

Are we nuts? Gerald had me write out two magazine articles he wrote for our next magazine by hand for the editor of The Ellsworth American newspaper to send by snail mail because our printer died the other day. Then we needed to go to the library to get the address. It's not far but it snowed and was COLD!!! Got the info on a pc for 25 cents. Posted a tweet on Twitter and facebook. Found out at CNN there was a huge blizzard headed east, 17 inches of snow! What next? Hope it's warmer Sunday for loading the UHaul! We forgot a stamp so when we got home Gerald took it to Dan's grocery store to mail. He surprised me with our last serving of Dan's Chester Chicken, cole slaw, and low sodium soda! We'll definitely miss it! But BRRRR! Sent Jesse an email reminding him about Sunday
PS Is it a coincidence? I think not! We used computer #9 at the library on December 9th, John Lennon's favorite number!

DECEMBER 10, 2,009

Last night was weird. We both were so tired and went to bed at 7:30. I didn't get up until after 7 a.m! Spent the day typing "The Peace Keepers." Reached my goal and got some extra. Gerald packed stuff. He came up with a way of packing his framed election '08 article from The Bismarck Tribune. John Lennon was impressed! Now we just need to find a way to pack his felt picture.
This afternoon I played the bass accordion for our friends in The Afterlife because both my keyboards are packed. They loved it! It was the first thing I ever played John's "Listen To The Angels" on! We remembered Gerald bought me my first keyboard in Orlando through Sears. They sent it to us via UPS. We were expecting it at the store.
Guess what? Now we're both sick with a cold or something! My nose won't stop running and I have post nasal drip! I pray that doesn't get too bad, it bothers my stomach. All the medicine is packed! Hanging in here! Can't wait until we leave now.


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