stand ready to tell them I speak true!"
The Ancient One laughed, and spun his hand in the air. Light swirled around him, and he changed into the form of a young Nordic youth in armor. He stretched out his hand and the spiritual form of his Lady appeared through the door of their little house dressed in a beautiful Norse gown. She looked down at herself, and at the two before her, and giggled. "Asgard?" she cried.
"Asgard!" The Ancient One answered. Loki held out his hand, and a beautiful rainbow bridge appeared as if from nowhere. And the three companions ran up it, laughing joyously.


The preceding story is fiction. Any resemblance it bears to true persons or places is coincidental, and not the intent of the writer.

to see kids as kids and people as people? It's not enough if someone says she is not a racist except for her attitudes towards Blacks. If she feels that way , she 'is' a racist, and she needs to work on it, and of course, admit it. The saddest thing
about bigotry is that it deprives all of us of some of life's beauty and freedom. Even the bigot is hurt, for he is self-confined by walls of stupidity, ugliness and hatred. And life is too short to spend it confined.
One final word, if I may about another good reason to consider one of the nation's 50,000 special needs children; Our kids are the only thing on Earth that the Great Spirit will allow us to take to the next world.

-Hina Hanta.

We thank our friends at the Pan American Indian Association News for allowing us to share this article from their newspaper with our readers.

APRIL 8th, 1990

Today we lost a young hero, Ryan White, who had to fight a battle against prejudice and misunderstanding which no one his age should have had to fight. Though we have no sympathy for those who have contracted Aids through homosexual activity or intravenous drug use, our hearts are open to these young people whose lives have been cut short by uncaring Aids carriers, who, knowingly continue to give blood to support their ad- dictions. It is just another tragic example of the sickness that is infesting our country.
Until the drug situation is taken seriously , until it is realized tat users are not the victims, but the major cause, tragedies such as this will continue to occur.
We express our sympathies to Ryan's family , and sincerely pray that this unnecessary epidemic is brought under control , and there be no more tragedies such as Ryan's. A special place has been prepared for him where he will know happiness and is unfortunate he had so little in his short life.

EDITOR'S NOTE- Contributions to The Ryan White Fund For The Care Of Childhood Infections may be sent to the Indiana University Foundation c/o Indiana University Hospital, in Indianapolis. Cards to the family can be sent to P.O. Box 40, Noblesville, IND 46060.


Many of those ho have given interviews in The Spirits Speak column in the past have been strongly disappointed that there
have been no follow-up questions. Many back issues are still available, and Those Who Spoke are still willing to answer questions. Below is a list of those we have interviewed. If you have not read their interviews and would like to, send a 25¢ donation in postage with the name of the back issue you would like, and we'll gladly send it out to you.  

Joan Of Arc

Rudolph Valentino

Amelia Earheart
Nikola Tesla

Marie Antoinette

Arthur Conan Doyle

Jane Roberts

Brigham Young

W.C. Fields Mae West


Crazy Horse

Anne Frank

Ben Franklin

Madame Curie


Mary , Mother Of

The Nazarene

Merlin, Friend Of King Arthur


Nazi 1


 You can read many of these interviews online at



A wise old farmer came out to his pigpen one morning to slop his hogs, and found his prize winning boar missing. Going into the house he informed his wife, and told her under no circumstances, to tell anyone what had happened, and continued to go about his business, as usual. A few weeks later a neighboring farmer stopped by to visit, and chatted for quite awhile, then asked his crafty old neighbor if he had ever. found out who had taken his prize hog. The old farmer gave him a wide smile, and said "Not 'til now!"

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