We must write of the death of President Nixon but we do so with the deepest of sadness and with very troubled minds. For he is a man we cannot honor and a man who will not enter into Heaven. And we find it a strange paradox that he is condemned in Heaven for the very thing for which he is praised on Earth....the opening of mainland China to the world.
How, I'm sure you ask, can The Lord Of Heaven send a man away from Him for such a great act? We do not know if we can put it into words that humankind can understand, but we will try.
Nixon did not care that China was a slave state, that its leaders were dictatorial butchers oppressing their people. He thought only of the economic benefits to The United States if China's vast population was made accessible. He cared nothing for the good of the Chinese people, but only for what benefit dialogue with the Chinese leaders might bring his own. So he allowd the Chinese people to remain enslaved, opened up a dialogue with their government, and began to trade while continuing to allow that government to oppress its people.
From that point on Nixon's hands were stained with the blood of the Chinese people. He was responsible for their suffering. Earthly politicians cannot understand the great principle that when a man knows of an evil and permits it, he is as guilty as the person committing that evil.
So many lose their place in Heaven because of this. Another example is President Theodore Roosevelt, a man who tried to do good throughout his life, but made one mistake that cost him eternal peace. Two years before the end of World War Two the American government became aware, without doubt, that the Germans were exterminating the Jews. Roosevelt allowed himself to be persuaded to keep it secret, to say and do nothing.
We cannot tell you when he spoke to us of this how bitter he was with those who persuaded him to do that great evil. "All that I had done," he cried, "all that I had accomplished was swept away. And oh, how bitter were the words of my Lord when He said to me "You knew."
In that moment I could not answer, for I understood full well His condemnation and when He said "Go from me, you knew me not," I knew I had no excuse with which to defend myself."
How hard it is for humankind do speak out when they know an evil, how easy it is for them to ignore evil for their own gain. How bitter the hours they must spend regretting their actions, shut off from those they love. If some wonder why we do not hesitate to speak when we see evil, if they do not understand after they read this, they never will, though we pray to The Blessed Ones they do.

"How are the mighty fallen, and the weapons of war perished!"-
-The Bible

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