The new Grand Alliance formed in The Spirit World has caused difficulties already. It is very rare I refuse to do anything for a Great Teacher, but one thing I swore many years ago not to do was to deliver any messages DIRECTLY from The Nazarene, as I know full well those messages will in no way, be believed. Well, just after The Alliance formed The Nazarene came to me with a fund raising idea for Bosnian Muslem Relief. He wanted me to put out the word that next January Voices From Spirit Magazine would be devoted to an interview with Him, that each person sending in a set of questions would send a substantial donation with them, and after the cost of printing the magazine and mailing it was taken out, all profits would be sent to a reliable organization providing relief to those being slaughtered and starved in Bosnia.
Knowing full well how those in the material world refuse to hear The Truth and that there would be no response whatsoever, to this effort, I refused to take part in the venture.
For several weeks Our Christian associates in The Spirit Realm went on strike refusing to assist us. Only their Lord's insistance that they come back into the Great Effort has regained Their reluctant cooperation. There is still, between our Workers, a great deal of coldness and resentment, and our Christian friends are stil involved in what loosely could be called a work slowdown. The political leaders in the material world think they have problems, wait 'til they see what the Religious Leaders in The Spiritual World have to put up with! The living have no idea how easy they've got it, they simply have no idea at all!

As many of you know we are in deep financial difficulty, and have been trying to seek a $5,000 no interest loan to get us back on our feet so we can continue our work. We recently wrote some of our friends asking them to print an ad in their publication requesting this. Grayfox of The Shaman Papers wrote and suggested we declare Chapter 7 and lighten up. I am afraid that is something we could never do.
Chapter seven is a ripoff that dishonest people use to get out of debt. We would never permit ourselves to get in that situation. If we cannot get enough support to carry on our work we will shut down and return to each subscriber any unusued portion of their subscription. We would cheat no one by using a dirty legal trick. That is not the way we have been taught.
As for lightening up, that is something else we cannot do. The work we do is far too serious to be taken lightly. Too much depends on that that we ARE doing. Unfortunately there ARE too many fakes out there and too many misguided Souls spreading untrue or twisted doctrine.
There must be a few Voices Of Truth, even if there are some who do not wish to hear The Truth. That, also, is our Way. No offense to Grayfox, but those are things we just can't do!

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