Well, you know, considering The Grand Alliance's recent declaration of war against interfering aliens we would have to check this one out!
Upon contacting our Sources and personally checking out each of the senators mentioned in the article we can report to you without doubt, The World News is pure hooey, jibberish. They got rocks in their heads! Not only are none of these senators aliens, they are not even native agents or working for any Lords Of Light. To put it bluntly they simply aren't too much at all.
Sad to say at the present moment there are no senators that are even Children Of The Lords waiting for The Awakening!
Let's use a little common sense here, folks! If there were aliens in the US Senate, could this country possibly be as bad off morally, as it is now? We hardly think so! Aliens, the majority of them anyway, have more common sense than we do. They wouldn't become anything as useless as a United States Senator.

It has also been reported that the head of Vlad The Impaler (Dracula) has been found. Again our sources inform us that this is another false report. Makes good headlines, but no facts to report, folks! It would be nice if one of these days one of these tabloids would report something we could verify. Ha, ha! Am I a dreamer, or what?

The other day we were watching the news and a segment came on about the Alamo, and how many Mexican people supposedly were upset about the traditional account of what happened there. That it was unfair and prejudice against Mexicans. I was rather curious about this idea so sent my Agent to talk to a gathering of The Alamo's defenders to get their opinion on this matter. To say the least They are quite confused and upset.
Davy Crockett, who acted as their spokesman, stated that they simply did not understand why the Mexican people were turning against them, when, at the time of The Alamo, Anglos and Mexicans were fighting side by side against their common enemy, the bloody dictator and tyrant Santa Ana. And their heroic stand at The Alamo helped bring an end to this bloody tyrant's rule.
The problems that came in later years were no fault of theirs, but the result of the corruption of both the American and Mexican government, which was opposed by decent men on both sides of the border.
Why should the valiant sons of Texas be scorned and persecuted for the acts of men who came after them?
As I contemplate Mr. Crockett's words I find myself asking the same question. Why should they be?

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